Harry Potter- Gryffindor (c)

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Sometimes Harry was simply intolerable. When he set his mind to something, usually the most stupid thing he could possibly think of, he would become beyond stubborn and end up causing more trouble than help even though that's what he claimed to be doing.

Now was a perfect example of one of those times. You understood why emotions were flying to the wind but that didn't mean it was a smart decision to run headfirst into something especially when there wasn't a clear plan to do with it.

Sirius Black was convicted for working for Voldemort and selling out Harry's parents to him, leading to their deaths. It wasn't a surprise that Harry was angry with the man and sought vengeance but the fact that he was willing to do anything, made you realise that his anger was now blinding him from any sense.

As he shouted about wanting Sirius to be killed now that he had escaped from Azkaban, you knew that Harry wasn't a murderer. He may want to seek revenge for his parents, but he hadn't lost his humanity and you needed to remind him that.

"You aren't going to kill him Harry," you frowned. "You don't even know if he definitely did it. And if he did, you can't go and face a possible murderer. What sense does it make Harry? He is likely armed, and you are a kid without any actual magical knowledge past disarming him."

His face was red with anger, not taking your words for what they actually meant, instead just becoming more annoyed with you.

"He killed my parents Y/N," he shouted. "I need to stop him."

You let out a sigh, it feeling like you were talking to a brick wall.

"If he did, he is going to kill you too. What good is that going to do?"

"He won't kill me," he said with a cocky tone. "I'm the chosen one and a Gryffindor. I'm meant to be brave."

Running a hand through your hair, you did your best to not hit him out of annoyance, having not heard anything as stupid as him talking.

"Look, I want to help you," you told him. "But I can't help you kill someone. And I don't think you want to kill him. Stop being such a stereotypical Gryffindor and take your head from up your arse and think about this logically. Come and find me when you've calmed down."

With that you left the room, trying your best not to scream.


Written by Charlotte.

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