Neville Longbottom- Date (c)

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It seemed as though the whole of Hogwarts knew about your interest in Neville Longbottom, other than him. The whole of your house, Slytherin, knew about it and took great pleasure in mocking you for it along with picking on him more often than they did anyway. You didn't see what was wrong with liking him, he was a nice person and even if he was a Gryffindor, it didn't mean anything to you. It wouldn't be long until Hogwarts would be behind you all and what house you were in will be nothing but a memory.

Everything became too much though when you were waiting for your potions class to start and your fellow Slytherin's noticed Neville waiting there for you too.

Names were called that you weren't a fan of hearing before one of them pushed him to the floor, snickering at his own cruel actions. Even if you weren't interested in him, you weren't going to stand around and let them bully someone.

"Back off!" You exclaimed, stepping between Neville and the students who were bullying him.

"Course you'd step in Y/S/N," one of them spat.

"She's in bloody love with him, it's pathetic," another added.

"You've done enough," you frowned. "Just back off and stop being a dick to anyone that you see as different to yourself, because being like you isn't all that it's cracked up to be."

One of them said a snide comment under their breath before they left to go down the corridor to continue waiting for class but away from you and Neville.

You extended a handout to him, which he took gratefully, letting you assist him up into his feet, his cheeks flushed.

"Thank you for standing up for me," he said softly, his nerves prevalent within his words.

"It's okay, I hate bullies," you shrugged.

"Um... About what they said... um..." He trailed off but you knew exactly what he meant.

This wasn't how you planned to tell him, if you planned to ever admit how you felt but it was a good a time as any.

"Oh, yeah," you laughed, trying to act cool about it. "I've liked you for a while, I just didn't really know how to tell you. I understand if you don't like me too, but if you do, maybe we could go to Hogsmeade together this weekend?"

A smile appeared on his face, cheeks just becoming redder. "I would love to. It's a date."

"It's a date!"


Written by Charlotte.

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