Fred Weasley- Magic (c)

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Your nerves were raging uncontrollably. You had been in a relationship with Fred for over a year however you had never met his family before. It had never fit properly, either you were busy, or Fred insisted he'd visit them without you. It didn't seem too odd as his parents did live in the middle of nowhere. Of course, you had met his twin brother seen as George lived with you, however you knew they were two of seven, so you had many more Weasley's to meet.

It had finally got to the point where Fred had received another letter from his Mother and knew he had no more escapes to introducing you to them. The train journey was long, and Fred seemed nervous. George had headed out a few days prior as all of their family was asked to join them at their parents' house. You didn't know why Fred was so nervous and you didn't believe it was just because he was nervous about you meeting them, but you didn't want to pry. He told you that his family were a bit odd, more so than you could imagine however you didn't know what he meant.

After several trains and walking more than you think you had ever you finally reached his parents home. It was quaint and mismatched. It seemed as though the house was built as and when it was needed to be but even if each area seemed to be differently constructed, it still seemed friendly and homely.

He knocked on the door, his other hand holding your hand tightly. The door opened revealing a small and plump redheaded woman.

"Fred," she grinned pulling him into a hug. "You've finally brought Y/N."

She quickly turned to hug you too.

"I'm Molly, Fred's mother, come in, come in," she smiled. "Everyone is here already."

The two of your followed her into the quaint home. It was clearly filled with love, but there were clear marks on the walls were frames had been taken down. It was peculiar.

Many people were sat around the living room, all of which turned their attentions to you. They seemed awkward and stiff as Fred introduced you.

He first introduced you to his father Arthur before moving onto his oldest brother.

"This is Bill and his wife Fleur," he gestured.

The man had scars over his face. It seemed as though an animal had attacked him, but it certainly didn't seem as though it was a topic you could discuss. His wife however was the epitome of a goddess.

"You're inhumanly beautiful," you said without thinking. "I mean... I can't backtrack from that, you are gorgeous."

Fleur laughed and thanked you before introducing her children. Victoire shared her mother's beauty even as a young child, sharing the same perfect blond hair and bright eyes. Dominique was a toddler whom didn't sit still, so all you truly saw of her was her bright red hair that continued in the family. Louis was the youngest only a small baby in his mother's arms.

Fred went on to introduce you to his brother Charlie whom also had scars and what seemed to be fresh burns. Next was his brother Percy and his with Audrey whom also held a young baby Molly. They were his older siblings, so he moved on to his younger brother Ron and his fiancé Hermione, along with his youngest sister Ginny and her husband Harry.

"That's their son Teddy," he pointed to the oldest child in the room, who had bright blue hair.

"He always wears wigs," Ginny interjected before you could question it.

Before anymore conversation could occur, Molly was basically bouncing up and down.

"Ginny tell them," she grinned.

Ginny rolled her eyes. She stood up and pulled her shirt taut against her skin revealing a small baby bump.

"I'm pregnant," she smiled.

Fred threw his arms around her, "congratulations Gin."

You gave your congratulations before you all continued talking about life. They all continued to dodge questions or seem lost when describing their lives. Luckily it came to an end quickly when Molly announced that dinner was almost ready.

"Let me just set the table," she smiled softly.

She grabbed a stick from her apron, waved it at the table and plates and cutlery all lined up perfectly to match each seat.

You gasped, loudly, as did most of the room.

"Mum!" Fred exclaimed.

Molly jumped back, throwing the stick away from her.

"Oh Merlin," she squealed. "I mean oh dear."

You stood up from your seat. "What is going on?"

Fred held your hand softly, smiling apologetically. Everyone else's eyes were on your panicked expression.

"I've lied to you Y/N. We aren't a normal family. Not in the slightest," he laughed awkwardly. "We're wizards."

"And witches," Ginny and Hermione interjected.

"What?" You questioned not understanding what he meant.

Fred pulled a similar stick from his boot, saying some random words before one of the plates begun to levitate.

"Wizards and witches are real. So are werewolves and vampires and mermaids. There is a whole world you don't know about. And I didn't tell you about it because I was scared of you hating me for it. I'm sorry," he whispered.

You needed a moment to think it through. Everything you thought was mythical was actually real and you never knew.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "I understand if you hate me."

A grin appeared on your face. "This is awesome. Do you not see how bloody marvellous this is?"

His family laughed at your reaction.

"I reacted the same," Hermione commented.

"You're not a witch?" You questioned.

"Oh no... I am... but unlike the Weasley's where they are all magical, my parents aren't. It was a surprise when I was eleven and ended up going to Hogwarts with Harry and Ron. Hogwarts is the school in Britain that all witches and wizards go to."

Fred turned to you a small and weak smile on his face.

"So you don't hate me?"

You shook your head. "No I don't hate you. I wish you told me, but I know why you didn't. But now Fred Weasley if you ever try to get out of chores I will ruin you."

He laughed, kissing your forehead.

"I never will."


Written by Charlotte.

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