Albus Dumbledore- Soon (h)

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It didn't seem right to say that you'd struggled with how to define yourself over the years, as you never had, but there was always that part of you that felt as if you needed to know something about your life or your family.

It was as if something was missing but you had never been able to quite place it.

Of course, you were brought up in a family of both wizards and muggles, due to your Dad being a muggle, so you were well aware that you were going to be attending Hogwarts when you turned eleven but you also knew a fair bit about the muggle world.

What never occurred to you, however, was that in your third year you would find out that you were related to the headmaster.

Over your first two years at the school, Dumbledore had never paid that much attention to you – no more than would be expected of a headmaster to his student.

But then your parents decided to tell you that your Mum was Dumbledore's daughter.

You still didn't understand why they hadn't told you beforehand, but you weren't going to let it affect your school life.

Luckily not the whole of the school knew, just the teachers and a few of your friends.

A part of you felt strange going back to Hogwarts, as you hadn't seen your supposed grandfather since your parents had told you.

You went back after the spring break, and instead of being in the great hall you had taken your guitar with you up to the astronomy tower and sat against the wall for the better part of the evening.

As you were playing one of your favourite songs, and singing with it, someone behind you cleared their throat.

You stopped playing immediately and turned around. "Oh, headmaster."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I think we've long passed the title of headmaster Y/N."

You smiled slightly, getting up and walking over to the railing. "Why didn't they tell me?"

"Your mother didn't want my name attached to you, she believed it would make things difficult for you here."

"But you are the headmaster here, how on earth would that make things difficult for me."

He chuckled again, coming to stand beside you. "Not all of the wizarding world is very fond of me my dear, and your mother did what she thought was right."

"Did you agree with her?"

"My dear, I would do anything to make my daughter happy and if that meant not being able to know my grandchild, then I thought it was only right to stay away."

"You did that for her?"

He nodded in confirmation. "Parents will do next to nothing for their children. I love my daughter, and granted I was not able to be the loving grandfather I would have liked to be but I have that chance now."

You smiled at him. "I'd like that."

"So how about we drop the headmaster part?"

You laughed, and he smiled at being able to make you laugh. "Sometime soon maybe."


Written by Hannah.

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