James Potter- Run and Hide: Part 2 (c)

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It had been six months since your brother insisted that you go into hiding. You weren't allowed to send letters or communicate with anyone, keeping within your home and the small village to get anything you needed to survive. It was unbearably lonely. You missed your fiancé, he had been gone long before you left, having gone to do something under Dumbledore's orders and having not returned by the time you had left. Not only did you miss Remus, you missed your brother James. The two of you had barely spent a day apart until you left school and even then, you had visited his home a couple of times a week, to see him, his wife and son. You miss all of them terribly, including your friends Sirius and Peter.

Everyday was hard. You waited by the window, hoping, praying that James would turn up to welcome you back, to tell you the war had been won and that you were safe to go back to family, but he didn't. Each day became harder. Not knowing was the worst. You didn't know where they were or what they were doing. Maybe your nephew Harry had said his first word, or James and Lily could even be expecting a baby. You didn't know anything about them and that made it the hardest.

You had left your life behind at the end of April and yesterday it was the first day of November. Christmas was around the corner, your favourite time of year, yet you wouldn't be celebrating it, not unless James came to get you.

Having just eaten breakfast, you took your place on the windowsill, curling your knees to your chest to watch the world go by. You were in a rural area, the nearest village being about twenty minutes away, so little happened. Sometimes you'd see a fox late in the evening scamper past, or early in the morning there was often a rabbit hopping back into the overgrowth of the neighbouring field. Other than that, you didn't see people. During a storm a month ago, one of the farmers from across the field had visited to make sure you had enough fire wood and food as he knew you were a young woman whom was living alone. Apart from that you didn't see your neighbours by your home, only if you had both gone to the market at the same time.

You watched the bare trees moving in the breeze, hoping to see the frizzy haired man you were related to. By this point you had lost hope, you had lost any ability to believe he was coming to get you. Maybe he forgot about you?

As you waited, you thought you had begun to hallucinate as you were sure you could see your fiancé walking down the path towards your home. You rubbed your eyes viciously, wondering if the tiredness of the sleepless nights had gotten to you. When you looked again he was still walking towards your home. He looked a bit different, but it was certainly your Remus.

His hair had a clear touch of grey growing through it even though he was merely twenty-one, the bags under his eyes were prominent even at this distance and you could see he had more scars on his skin than he had ever had before the two of you left the group. He still had his usual old jumper on it that he had told you that his nan knitted him a few years back, but it was patched more than you remembered.

As he got to the door, your heart dropped. What if it wasn't Remus? What if it was a death eater under Polyjuice potion?

He knocked at the door.

You gripped hold of your wand ready to attack if it wasn't the man you loved. Approaching the door, you lifted the letter flap.

"Who is it?" You said, your voice shaky.

"Remus, Y/N, it's Remus," he responded, his voice cracking as though he had been crying or he hadn't spoken in a while.

"Prove it," you stated firmly.

"What?" He questioned.

"Where were we planning to live?" You questioned. "Before you left."

He let out a small sigh.

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