Hermione Granger- Potion (a)

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"Out of my way! Move, move, move!" Hermione waltzed through the crowd clutching her still bubbling potion tightly in her arms. "I'm late, what do you peons fail to understand?!" She briskly turned the corner leading to Professor Snape's potions class only for her glass vial to be met with an over enthusiastic arm, she fumbled for her wand but it was too late, before an incantation could be cast the thick glass was less than a cat's hair from crashing against the stone floor.

"That was close." Slowly she regained the ability to breathe as you held the vial, pinching it between your thumb and index finger. "Hopefully the potion flying through the air hasn't made it too unstable." Briskly she snatched it from your hands and wiped a long string of hair from her face.

"I wouldn't worry, I spent all night over my cauldron perfecting the recipe. Even Snape in all of his... wisdom would be unable to craft a finer specimen than this." She held the viscous, undulating mulberry tinted liquid up to what little light she could find. "Everything seems to be okay. If I collapse on the spot after testing it, I'll know something's wrong." You shared a laugh, the sound of which was drained by the hordes of students waiting for their classes. "I don't think I've ever missed a homework assignment; I do not plan to start now."

"Oops." A pale hand swiped across Hermione's arms, knocking the vial from her grasp and sending it shattering against the floor. "Oh dear, seems like we don't have such a perfect record now, do we?" Draco walked away with little more than a chuckle but with Hermione's grasp firmly placed on the back of his robe he was not going to go far.

"Give me yours." Hermione scorned.

"Snape told me not to do it, he knew if I did it would be perfect anyway." He laughed, much to Hermione's ire. "Oh, lighten up, it probably wouldn't have even worked anyway." Again, he turned to leave but she pulled him back with unexpected strength.

"Just let him go... unless you're handy with a straw there's no way that potion is going back that shattered bottle." Her clutch listened ever so slightly, enough to let Draco shrug her hand from his back. "Make it again tonight and give it to me, I have potions tomorrow, I can hand it in for you. I'm in Snape's good books anyway, he'll believe me." It was either give Draco what was coming to him or make it to class in time even if it was without a potion in hand, so this time, she let him go.


Written by Aaron.

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