Aerrow x Reader

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I walked around a city along with Piper, the guys were behind us. I saw a candy store and squealed, and pulled on Piper's arm. We left the guys outside the store with confused faces. "I actually found it! I have my Pocky" I said pulling a small box of chocolate covered biscuits and slowly opening it.

"Yeah, and you bought a bag full of them (Name)." Piper laughed. I shrugged my shoulders and put one in my mouth as we exited the store. As I chewed on it, I walked away from everybody else. They didn't notice. I know they didn't. As I walked I found a beach area and I decided to sit along the sandy shore.

"It's a beautiful sunset..." I sighed in content with a small smile on my face and pulling out another Pocky and started to eat it.

"Yes, but your more beautiful to me." A familiar voice spoke from behind me. I looked to my side and saw Aerrow sitting down next to me.

"Why are you here? I thought you were with the others." I asked shocked that he was here beside me.

"Well, I noticed you walking away eating something. So I decided to follow you here." He chuckled with a faint blush on his cheeks. "And... I think now is the best time to tell you this..." He looked into my (e/c) eyes with his green ones. "I love you." My eyes widened and my face was completely red, a bright red.

He slowly leaned down I could feel his breath tickle my lips. I placed a finger on his. "Let's play a game. It's called the Pocky game..." He tilted his head in confusion.

"What... Is the Pocky game?" He asked. I explained to him how the game works.

"Okay, so... If I win... I want you to..." A smirk grew on my face. "Kiss Finn." He turned pale, but he smirked.

"Fine, if I win you have to kiss me and become mine." We both nodded and shook hands to seal the deal.

I pulled out a pocky and took one end of it in my mouth. Aerrow followed my movements and we slowly made our way to the middle. As we grew closer to the middle I could feel the blush rise on my cheeks and I felt them grow warmer. Finally, our lips met I smirked and pushed him away. "I win!" I shouted.

"No fair!" He whined. I laughed and stood up. I held out my hand.

"I never said anything about pushing someone away. So it was perfectly fair. Now let's go... You have some blonde to kiss." He took my hand and pulled me down.

"Fine, I wanna kiss after." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, now lets go!"

~Time Skip~

"Finn!" I shouted, looking for a certain blonde, pulling the spiky redhead along with me.

"What's up (Name)?" Finn said once we got to his room.

"Well... I'm just going to get right on down to the point.... You and Aerrow have to kiss... And I'm going to get a picture of it too." I said, pulling out my phone.

"You never said anyhting about a picture!"

"I didn't? Oh well, now let's get kissin!" I started to record as Aerrow walked up to Finn with red faces. I tried to hold back my laughter. Aerrow placed his hands on Finn's cheeks and qucikly gave him a kiss. You squealed and saved the recording. "Ohhhh!!! That was soo cute!!!" Aerrow walked toward me and pulled me away. "Thanks Finn for being a great friend!" I yelled as I was being dragged away.

Once we got to Aerrow's room, he placed a kiss on my lips and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was a little shocked, but then I kisses back. Wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself closer to him. "Now tell me (Name)."

I rolled my eyes once again. "Alright, I love you Aerrow." He smiles and kisses me again.

"I love you too (Name)." He smirked and pulled me toward his bed... and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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