Chapter 1 (Jungkook)

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"i don't care about the fun....."Jungkook fussed with his tie, he really hated occasion like this, he will rather take 'Job' of breaking down Bones any day but function like this are headache. "Whatever, Mom. I am only going there,Just because thats what-"

"Families do. " Jk's mom finished cause he was so angry when people try to make him do things like right now.

"No!!! Thats what you do when you are next in line of a underworld king's throne ."Jungkook thought for a second then "After yoongi hyung, then Namjoon Hyung.... " jk rolled his eyes. Seriously why can't she understands a simple things. But he adores the lady with all his heart.

Teresa The Mafia Queen smiled at her youngest. Thinking of how Yoongi used to complain.

Seeing the beautiful smile on his mother's face jungkook forgot all about his Angre just like that the angre the Mafia Prince had vanished.

Well he is like that, he loves and lives to make his mom happy. He gave his best smile to her too in return.

She is not at his height so she bend him down with tapping his shoulder signaling him to do so, cause jk is not an easy- pasy guy he is buffed with heavy muscles. Knowing what to do the big muscles guy bend down to his mother's level.

So, she could kiss his forehead . If it was someone else Jungkook would have just blown there heads of or something.

"Oops! " The lady giggled. Seeing her lipstick Stan on her youngest forehead. "Don't let your girl caught you with this. " she said rubbing away the Stan.

Jungkook rolled his eyes cause his mother knows he doesn't have a girl or a boy to bitch about for a lipstick Stan. "let them be jealous.... Cause my darling Mumma is the only one who could kiss me. "

"on my forehead. "he added as an after thought.

There was a knock on the door.

Disturbing the mom and child moment. Both mother and son looked at the two figures standing with a evil smiles.

They have all the right too tease their youngest. Not everyday they see their youngest being all soft.

Jk whistle low .which was answerd by this mom smacking him on the back of his head.

Shocked first, but then he rubbed the sore spot with an "What? " so innocently.He knew better Teresa would never let them whistle in her house. She hated it.

His brothers laughed . It was a good sound which is so rare now. Jk wished he had his camera to capture it.

"Let's go now. Before Dad gets more angry " Namjoon said the middle one who acts like he is older but deep down he is fluffy ball.

But only with family. If you meet him outside the house he is a cold heard person the deadly one. Come to think of it both his brothers and father even his mother are same .

The Mafia Blood runs in their vein after all and not just any Mafias they are the Royals of the underworld.

Well you have to be when you belong to a family like this reputation is everything.

Jk thought ,shaking his head. He followed his mom and brothers down the stairs .

where the army of bodyguard and the king of Mafia Eui-sun sat, reading a report in his tablet ,waiting.

Jk's father stood up buttoned his Black tux and walked out the door and in the limo without saying a word. Followed by Mafia queen.

As the three brothers walked to follow their parents yoongi stopped jungkook by putting a hand over his shoulder. Jungkook turned meeting his brothers eyes.

"Remember Respect is everything "
Jk's oldest brother said walking away leaven jungkook behind, Pause for some moment.

Untill his second brother pushed him from behind with a hand on his back. "and keep smiling " with a smile letting his dimple show, and walked away, with his long stride he reached the limo first.

Namjoon smriked then got in the limo jk shook his head, His brothers never let go a chance to show him he is the Maknae's of the house. Letting out a breath Jungkook got in the limo.

Jungkook slid in the limo closing the door behind himself.

Namjoon gave him a 'Have courage brother ' smiled again.

His Yoongi noticed the exchange so he reached out and put his hand on jk's and pressed in a gesture only a big brother could give .

Jk really like his brother but he hates it when his brother make him feel like a little boy. He is not anymore for crying out loud. He is twenty one and Ready to do whatever crisis come in his way.

He turned his face away from his worried looking family like this is the first time he is attending events like this. Well of course this is his first time in event like today as a Made Man. But still.

Jk took a long breath just trying to claim himself not to burst. And focused on the agenda today.

The event is about him coming of age to take half part of the business side. And yes it is a big thing not to you normal people but to the mafia it is a mile stone.

Think of it as an welcome to the mafia world party. There gonna be kings of different countries , political people bla bla bla and ladies. Hot, hOt ladies and boys. To blur the evening out.

Jk was so deep in thoughts he forgotten to keep his hard face on,he was smiling like a creeper.

"i really dont want to know what you are thinking right now. Little Brother. " yoongi said with a Knowing smile.

Damn it jungkook what happened to the 'all I am twenty one year old' inner monologue.

"You need your head in the game buddy and I am talking about your upside head. " Namjoon said and gained a smack on the head for butting in by Yoongi. The man pouted.

Jungkook's felt his face getting hot. He rubbed the back of his neck, damn it. This is what you get when you living in a family. They know you inside and out. He bite his lips And gave an awkward smile.

And that smile made everyone laugh cause of the bunny look he gave to them.

In few moment of family banter they arrived at their destination.

"Lets get this over with " yoongi said and jk agreed cause he really hate crowd as well.

Crowd always ment high risk of attacks. So yes they all hated it.

There were photographers at the staire like they can get the glimpse of mafia royal familes they wish. As soon as the party over there phone gets virus and all the pictures just Magically disappear's they knows this, we know this but still they just keep coming.

Jk rolled his eyes at the question they been roaring about he did not stop just walk to the hotel door. Rude ? but thats what you get from a mafia Prince .

The door open "the prince of the ceremony has arrived "someone shouted.

And every one clapped.

Before he knew he was dragged away into the crowed.

'it is going to be a long night '

Somehow he made out of the crowed and walked out in the balcony.

And that's when jk saw him....


No disrespect to anyone. Just had an idea about this fic so i wrote it.

Vote it pls.


I am writing two more books if you can then check them out to

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