Chapter #15# (Hoseok)

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Phantom1 "ALL TEAM, THIS IS PHANTOM1. WE ARE GOING TO DO A SECURITY CHECK IN For the location and position.ALL TEAM REPORT IN the Status. OVER."

"THIS IS Eagle47. We are in the Nest with the Birds. Everything is clear here. Over."

"This is Raven14. In the Hall. All clear. OVER."


"Gorgon63. Outside. In position. OVER." After all the roll calls, the operator Asked to stand by and wait for further instruction. Clicking again on the keyboard she soon connected high Generals giving them the security detail.

After getting the all clear from each team Hoseok clicked twice on his earset directing a private line to his friend, "Jackson, we are ready to moving in Fifteen minute," .

The radio Cracked and these time Jackson voice came in, "Copy that, we Ready to receive you all, OVER."

"Start the watch then,Over." Hoseok said. Shuting the communcaion device off,He turning and scaned the people inside the room, he was chargered with, His father the High king of Verzula was sitting behind his desk, for others he must look like he was reading a file on his computer. But Hoseok knows best his father was miles away he been like this since his brothers been kidnapped, Even thought they know both the princes are alive they had noway of knowing , where? Or how are they ? which is worst. No one deserve to feel this way.


Hoseok slaped himslef internally, "that word is a Bad luck" that's what his older brother use to say ...heaven he could hear a faint voice of his brother telling him just that.The tension in the room Was so thick, making hoseok feel afraid to break it, But as the First General he has his duty and responsibility , also a back bone, hoseok hated How often he had to remind himslef that simple thing, he subtly let out as sigh before speaking he cleared his throat getting everyones attention. " We are ready to move,Your Highness." He said loud enough so everone could hear him loud and clear.

"Indeed." Said the King without blinking, Making Hoseok wonder his father even registerd he spoke or was it all on reflex, But the worriness soon disappeared when the King stood up and buttoned his coat, and waked stiffly towards the Fireplace where the queen sat, The king streached his hand towards his wife, Not touching her But hovering in the mid air , he didn't say a word just stood there, politly asking for his wife's hand, There is a huge meaning behind that Hoseok was sure of it, the king his not only asking his wife's hand to accompany him for the ceremony ,NO. his he was asking more, support? Trust? It was all there in his eyes. You wouldn't see it because you don't know him, Unfortunatly for Hoseok he could see it as clear as day. They always been like that respecting each others choices.

Hoseok looked away when his eyes blured a little and landed on Jimin, who was still hadnt spoken a word since he came inside the room, Like Hoseok didn't know better Jimin was concentrating all his engery to pinpoint Tae threw their twin links, He must have skipped the morning meal, It was obious by how paler skin looked. Another wave of guilty hit him hard, since when did he forgot to take care of his Younger brother. He quickly moved towards the middle of the room where the piles of untouched food rested on the tea table, He quickly grabbed Three Granola bars and pocket them on the right side of his pant pocket, His hand unconcousliy moved toward the left pocket where he pocketed epipens earlier out of habit, Even thought neither Jin or Tae are there. Hoseok shook his head and made a quick work making a freash fruite plate for his brother. Jimin must have seen him coming because he looked with a frown on his face, his eyes moved toward the plate Hoseok holding, He opened his mouth Hoseok was sure in protest but Jimin's Stomach Growled out loud.

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