Chapter 2(Jungkook)

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Now that's a beauty to be admire..

At first glance the boy looked like a character from a tv animation. Thats why Jungkook had trouble taking his eyes off the man, it took a good moment for him to glance away but like a mystical magnet his eyes went back towards the bar, jungkook gave up the fight and just admired the beauty.

A Bartender.

The boy was wearing a tux a royal blue one, the fabric touched his skin so perfectly.

The way he bit his lip at the corner a slide frown on his face. Like mixing a drink took all his concentration, jungkook felt a pain of jealously in his chest. Jealous of a drink.

The boy's fingers danced around the neck of the bottle, the tip of the glass like the perfection that could shame a professional.

Jungkook imagined those figure's clenching tight on the pillow as he pound merciless into the boy. 'Oh hello there jungkook junior. what the hell? He never felt something like this just by seeing someone randomly.

Okay he admits one-time or two. It happens.

Jungkook laughed when the boy's face expression took a look of a child about to cause a mischief. He looked left to right and when we was satisfied no one his watching he took a sugar cube and drop it in the drink , he took another sugar cube and put it in his mouth. His sinful beautiful mouth. He licked his forefinger and thumb, jungkook didn't like the idea how his body became all aware only by that simple action , like increasing of heart rate and blood going south in his very No-no region. The boy kept smiling and every now an then his touge jutted out to lick his lips , not fairing well with jungkooks state. As the boy stared to arrange the drink on a tray.

This is killing me , Jungkook thought.

"What are you smiling at? " the girl asked and if his not mistaken there was a hint of Jealously in it. The girl huffed when she caught jungkooks line of sight." Dont tell me you are lusting after a bartender?"

Jungkook tried to push away. But the girl's hand caught his hand tightly. " Jungkook come on that boy is a bartender.People like them are dirty." She said it like that's beneath her.

Jungkook bend down and whispered in the girls ears "And you are a whore"

The girl gasped out loud..

Jungkook rolled his eyes ,People like her angried jungkook. She is lucky they are around foreign people or other wise he would have fun teaching the girls manners and make sure she understand what 'dirty' really looks like.

But that doesnt mean he can't put her in her place for touching Jungkook.

Jungkook shrugged the girl's hand off his shoulder as she still had the striken look on her face. But he ignored it.

Before she could come and put her hands back on him Jungkook moved away He hates it when people just put their hand on him like he is a pubic property.

Truth be told no-one is stupid enough to touch him.

But some who does just irretate him What do they take him for? If they think of him as one of as kind hearted. They must be living in the wrong country.

But as his father's orders killing someone just because the touched him is not a good enough excuse. Thank the devil's those rules just applies on the parties like this.

And that girl can go fuck herself for all he cares. He doesnt take fake people to bed .

Fat chance of jungkook taking fake blonde in his bed. People like her only want to get off the high they find in dating a higher force ..they are worst then those adrenalin junking. This type of people like to get off high on the danger that comes with the job. Or this money the respect.

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