5 Am kidnapper's call

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Earlier that Morning

Sitting in the balcony, just attach to the Magnificent Room ,If it weren't for bathing moonlight. No body can see a figure sitting, down near the railing , face toward the room.

"H.Hyun—g....Tae-tae..wher-e are Yo-u ? " Hiccups and deep breaths.

He cried , "whhat an fail-uree of a bbrrother I am?". He wailed the loss , Just doesn't know what to do in this situation. The most Cherished people in life went missing , His older Hyung is busy trying to find his brother.

He won't got to his mother or Father he had to act strong for them .he had to stay strong for them.

He felt – What he really felt ? Lonely ?

Is he being mean only thinking about himself right now ? He was never being alone like this before . he had Taehyung at night sleeping with him, like a fluff ball he is, always there for whatever reason, with his lovely Doe eyes giving hope.

Always need his hyung to sleep , cute habit of his . Even thought he is five minutes Older then Taehyung is more mature in situation like this then him . but he is Never admit it out loud in front of tae. But right now he would do anything just to see him in front his personal taebear. He huff a laugh imagining tae's face every time when he calls his sweet brother.

He need's his broad shoulder goof ball too, the father figure for both Tae and jimin-

A knock on the door getting the crying prince attention , he frowned, and looked at his watch .4 'O' clock in the morning , who would ..??.He click the upper button twice and camera feature came on his wrist watch he clicked , the figure two more clicks and the camera outside his door got activated. He could see who was standing outside, wiping his tears. He looked up towards the balcony camera, His brothers security team must have reported about him sitting and crying .

Jimin shook his head, hiding his fifth huge glass of chocolate milk in the balcony railing , Another knock . Jimin gave a thumbs up to the camera, Good job guy. Seriously cant a guy cry properly in his own freaking house.

Clicking that watch again the unlocked the door without walking up to it.

This brother entered , still in his uniform looking fresh his hair pushed back, in his hand had a plate and two big glass of chocolate Milk, leave it to his family knowing his weakness, "Chimchim, where are you ?" He asked looking around. Like his security didn't told him already or not reporting him right now in his earpiece .

Cutting to the chase, He just raised his hand , mature jimin very mature.

Hoseok gave a smile.

"Drop it , it's a fake" Jimin said .

"No, it's a real food which you didn't eat and a chocolate milkshake come on I know you won't decline it" .Putting down the Plate and the glass Box .

"I was talking about the smile,Cop." Jimin said but gave up an unheard smile. Tightening his hands More securely around his legs, shivering a little. Watching ever move his brother is making.

Hoseok , Sighed and rolled his eyes, slowly made his way towards his brother, and stopped two feet away . crouched down managing his weight on his heels. His brother look like an afraid cat right now , really didn't want to scare him anymore then he already was.

Hoseok's heart breaks seeing the younger brother like this , it was fun killing that Person slowly who caused this it been years since his brother like this frighten, afraid ,Vulnerable . The doctor did said it won't go way easily you just have to be there for him .Last time it was a broken lift and this time. It hit so close to home .

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