Chapter 4(Taehyung)

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A Yawn, that Taehyung sure could break his jaw interrupt. The crack of his bones told him he was right.

The prickling sensation at the back of his neck stared again, he turned and shook his brother who is eyeing his drink for fifteen minutes. He looked up. Eyebrows raised.

Silently giving the 'I am going to kick your assets if it's not worth my time' expression.

"How long do we have to stay here?"

Jimin looked around for something when he found he tipped his head. "their is a whole line of the well- wishers " Taehyung looked where jimin is pointing and Taehyung had to admit it was like the whole countries leader came to the ceremony and they are a lot of them.

Talking with Seokjin, it was captivating watching his older brother, intaract with subject. But here like he was flanked by many bussines men, leaders of different territory. Greet them with their proper title, careful not to mix captain with leader or a capo. Make Taehyung wonder how his older Hyung managed to remember this many names.

No he made Polit greeting with each and everyone of them.

if anyone bothered by the full on security team and Both Generals Hoseok and Jackson standing each side covering every side but giving enough room so the High Prince could move ,they didn't say it.

They all looked happy, smiling and there attention is transfixed on every word he brother is saying. Joking ,some comes shakes hand and bows to him, he bowed back.

It's was like they weren't their for celebrating the Mafia Prince. The Mafia Prince all forgotten beside Taehyung hadn't seen the man since bumped into the man.

As The High prince moved,Good Crowd of teenager which had gathered around. Moved with him Taehyung could understand the fanboying heavens is the biggest fan. He had those heart eyes seing his brothers like this.

When someone came to him and started to talk to him. He stood there and gives his full attention to them.
With genuine interest.

A tap on his shoulder got his attention back on His brother. Who gave him a smile stood "Let's go...! "

"Where are we going ..?"

"In the balcony , let's take a breath." when the security team stared to follow, jimin just waved them off saying they are only five feet away. Not need to worry. This are Darverlaz solider so they had not idea how much they should worry. But Taehyung isn't about the tell them so they can follow them around besides, jimin is right they need a breath or two.

When Taehyung went in the balcony jimin was jumping off the railing on other window. He turned and gave Taehyung a Cheecky grin with a wink.

Taehyung rolled his eyes but followed his brother, whatever his brother had on his mind is going to be awesome and might end up in bruises.

Taehyung asked as he followed his brother, where are we going? Pushed the question in his brother's mind threw their twin mind link.

Jimin didn't reply just pushed the door and went into the room.

"Don't waste the engry in mind link, buddy , nobody is here in this room so we can talk." jimin said as he kept walking.

Taehyung frowned, the way his brother walking in the room like he knows the room and had very familiar with it is spooking him "How do you know? "

Jimin turned and gave a mischievous smile. Oh no whatever it is he would gonna like it. Jimin opened his arms. "you know I been here coming in and out to the country helping Dr.Sura......we come here a lot for office work and all stuff I won't bore you with that. Whenever we got time I wonder around a lot. So that's how I know the third room has a big TV and guess what I brought with Me." He said patting the jacket.

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