Chapter 2 (Seokjin)

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"Hyung ....Hyung ..." Seokjin woke up with a startled. The voice and the cold hand shaking him awake.

"I am sorry...." Seokjin sat up quickly and straighten his suit the took the tissue sat beside him and rubbed the sand away from his eyes.

"Hyung ,you really shouldn't have come here." Taehyung said seriousness in his voice, he was looking over the field where the soccer game was still going on. But when he met his older brother's eyes , Seokjin could easily see the laughter in his eyes .

"I had a rough night and I want to see jimin play. I won't miss it for anything. "jin mumbled.

"All you did Hyung is to come here cheered for ten minutes then you slept so I doubt have a lot of doubts about your statement. "

Seokjin just closed his eyes, he felt himself feel fails to be a good brother.

Taehyungs had came up and squeezed his hands giving him a reassuring smile.

God's he must have done something good in his past life, so he had so understanding brothers and life today.

Jin snored upon his inner thoughts.

But really this thing are starting to get on his nerve , the late night business meetings any counsel talks , any event with includes pubic interactions , his mother and his father are including him to understand the ups and downs of the kingdom business. Exaction is taking over soon he was about to blow his head off.

As the future High king he need to learn all things that comes with the responsibilities of becoming A high King . Everyone is going to look at him , hell everyone is looking at him with great expectations.

More so now than before , as he had already broke down the news about him and Jackson getting engaged . the media went wild when they announced  it , thing is everyone is worried not about him and Jackson about if they ever broke , seokjin would still be the king but this all 'show stun' would break Jackson. As they all know he would giving up all his status .he worked so hard to gain.

This Particular meeting was just about that , as his grandparents wanted him to take a female as they call a life partner to carry out the family name ,'why he have to do this he doesn't understand ?' like his grandparents don't understand the word 'Love'. May be that is the think as they did married just so they could carry the name of Verzula clan.

same story different title .

But one thing they all need to.... understand is that the High prince seokjin isn't going to listen to his counsel a true leader listen to all but does what his heart and mind says.

As the things goes , he really had very less and less time to spent with hios brother so when tae offered him to come and see the games , he jumped on it ditching his mother to handle for herself.

"How was the mayor's meeting? "Hoseok said in his gruff voice , jin knew his brother is going to be angry he had been since seokjin made up the decision of going to the Mafia kings son's Gathering .

" Did we win ? "jin asked , not bothering to respond his brother right now. All he want to do is enjoy the game , half of which he slept .

" No, the game is still going and seriously when are you going to learn how exactly the game goes. Its not that complicated and you're not answering my question, man ." Hoseok complained.

Seokjin rolled his eyes and about to answer his bother but then Taehuyng jumped with "Home run!!!!" And stared to do the victory dance.

Hoseok threw his head back in the seat, Like he was so done with his family. "Argh.... Taetae its soccer Not Baseball . when you make a point in soccer , it's called goal ,not home run."

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