Chapter #17# (Namjoon)

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For three days, the room where Seokjin slept became Namjoon's little world. He can leave to room when ever he want but let it be clear he really doesn't want to.

The Doctors came in and out the room, setting The high prince with new batch of IVs. Seokjin's beautiful face is now a beautiful shade of peach, Namjoon's figure twitch to touch the soft skin. But he restrained himself.

Namjoon closed his eyes the rhythmic steady sound of heart rate monitor beeping ever so often, as Namjoon's mind drifted he heard a faint sound of foot step making it way towards his room.

Namjoon's chamber were always been at the far end of the castle, making sure to alert him everytime someone walks in, Namjoon stood up gracefully from his seat by the bed, carefully listen to the steady steps, he buttoned his impeccable dark Grey suite and walked out of the hidden room.

Placing the book right, with his long strides he made his way towards the left, where the floor to ceiling glass wall stood, pushing the glass door outside he entered his garden, it really been a long time since he watered the plant.

Ignoring the knocks on the Big mahogany doors, he sat down on one of his chair, opening the book he took from the shelves, he called out. "Enter." Even though the words were spoken quietly the door which was almost thirty feet away from him opened with a clang.

Ah! The beauty of technology.

As soon as the door opened revealing a couple not more the forty years old dressed up in all black as the pouring period is going for the Verzula kingdom is going on people of all the nation are paying their respect by wearing black too.

Namjoon stood up from his seat, and waited for the couple to join him. It's full on strategy on Namjoon's part away from the room away from anything suspicious, it's not like Namjoon can't be pro at his work it's just over-caution that is all.

Yeah nothing to do with being overly protective of the prince safety, huh?

Namjoon politely asked his inner voice to go freak itself, which in turn flipped him.

"Namjoon, " said the man his hand outstretched for a handshake. Namjoon went but got little surprised when the man hugged him.

"Uncle Kim, " Namjoon said in Greeting.

"How are you?" Asked uncle Kim, as he patted Namjoon's back.

"I am good, just a little surprised is all." Namjoom replied as he breaks apart from the man's tight embrace.

"Oh!" Exclaim the lady, by his uncle side. " you can blame me for that as soon as we heard to news, I couldn't help and wanting to see you..."

Yeah also to butter my soul, my soon to be ex- aunt.

Namjoon politely bowed to the lady, "How are you Aunt?"

The lady smiled showing her all teeth, soon she looked away towards Namjoons Blue moon roses the lady exclaimed again and went to pat them.

Who even does that? They are plant not Pomeranian.

Looking at his uncle the man looked just as confused as him. So that is not a regular behavior. Good or Namjoon would be worried about his Aunt's mental health.

As his aunt is going nuts over different flowers Namjoon collected all his life, Namjoom politely asked his uncle for a seat.

"Oh yes that be great as the old age is coming towards me my legs are.....oh this place is nice, " the man complimented as he sat on the beach, and Namjoom had to agree, the only reason he picked this room on his coming of age ceremony because this room is away from the chaos of the Blood Castle, and has a open wide six miles Garden close to an open forest.

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