Chapter #18# (Jimin)

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Waking up, Jimin had a hard time opening his eyes from the crying he did last night and the day and the day before, gods how long it been since he has seen his brothers, his heart started to ache a little the constant pain of not seeing his brothers and not feeling their presence near is now becoming a regular ache, putting his hand on it to rub off the ache, which he knew won't Jimin closed eyes, stared to make his way towards the bathroom. 

Today, his schedules are tightly packed, The country won't stop running just because its princes went missing, or death. Jimin blurred the last part because he knew his brothers are alive he had to believe it or he won't be able to breathe the next life.

taking the help of his memory, Jimin little groggy, but somehow made it to the bathroom, standing in front of the vast mirror, Jimin jumped a little upon seeing the sight of himself, his eyes were all puffed red making him hard to see, his vision was little blurry. bending in to see himself with narrowed eyes, Jimin chuckled, remembering how Tae Used to make fun of him whenever Jimin cries or laughs.

'Hyung, you look like a balloon fish.'

"Shut up, Tae."Jimin didn't realize as the words skipped out loud until he heard his own voice breaking the silence of the otherwise still room. And gods!! what he won't give to hear his brothers teasing him again, even being the youngest Tae always took on it himself to make Jimin laugh.

Jimin's phone started to buzz making him lookup.

With a sigh, He made his way over to his bedside table Jimin with a glance to see who is calling only to find his secretary number, Jimin pick up his phone, "Yes"

"Sorry to wake you this early, sir.  "

"No, you did, " Jimin said, clearing his throat, Jimin wanted for his secretary to continue when nothing came Jimin said, "Please, continue."

The secretary with a polite tone continued, " Sir, This is About the Ranch in Douvain City.."

Jimin's breath caught in his chest, Him and Taehyung had to go a great length to buy that land, His little brother had to give up loads d loads of sleepless night, going threw the paperwork, Not to mention the leg work, while fighting the legal battle in court for that land, The ranch In Douvain City is a vast land, Being the Prince doesn't automatically gives them the right to own the property they see fit, and this particular land is Taehyung's dream project.

Jimin be damn if he let something happened to the land in Tae's absence.  

"W-What about it?" Jimin's voice broke but getting back his composure, he walked towards his laptop. if something were to go wrong he will fight with the world to get that land, it was his brother's wishes, and Jimin is not about to lose his words here.

 " The farmer of the ranch is ready to agree with the term, sir." Said the Secretary.

Jimin stopped in his track, "What?"

"Yes sir, he is giving up the land " repeated the secretary.

All that hard work of his brother really did pay off, a meanless victory, what's the point of this now when the person who dreamed one day to open a ranch for kids is not even here to celebrate it.

"But there is one condition, sir"

Of course, there is,  wiping away the tears Jimin asked, " what did he want?" Jimin is willing to pay any price the farmer cant think of.

" He wants to see you in person before you sign the deed Sir." secretary informed.

Jimin frowned, Did he heard it wrong? " That's it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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