Chapter #4# (Yoongi)

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"Boss." Sehun voice broke through his thoughts.

Yoongi chose to ignore it for a second and looked out the car. He didn't sleep for almost thirty-seven hours, his headaches are coming back. He is having a hard time to focusing on any task now, hell he is having a hard time to recalling, what he his second in command were talking about.

They were having a conversation about the recent events and what he missed while busy in kidnapping the royals, faking their deaths.

And the whole mess that came with the package that is the High Royals and some bugs in his own house.


In yoongi's father. Bugs in the Mafia king's brain .the never of people putting something like that in his father. They should have thought twice about doing anything like this. And how the hell his security missed the holes.

Yoongi is going to take care of them, he is determined to.

"Boss." Sehun's expression went stoned to worry as his boss's head tilted to look at his direction. Not in fear of his Prince's temper but worried about his health and insomnia.

"If I am not replying that clearly means I am zoning out, sehun" Yoongi's voice calm as ever." Don't bother me with questions. While I am otherwise occupied. " He looked out on the busy street again but as soon as the silence filled the car Yoongi felt bad for blurting out like that.

He considered for a second or two to apologize, he really did but hell he is the boss for a reason he doesn't do 'sorries' if yoongi had to suffer this, so does the rest of the crew.

He rubbed at his temple, ' this damn headache'.


"Quite it.." Yoongi said through his teeth. Trying hard not to punch his childhood friend.

Sehun Put up his hands to surrender his eyes huge. "Just hear me out okay..." He continued without waiting for a reply from Yoongi "we were going on and on for five days, without resting. First, you and your brothers got planted to kill the Royals. Then you call me, asking me to pass the border with you and the royals boys as a dead body, done. Then we found out who was the culprit behind all of this set up is our own cousin. So we got to their island and make a show of killing the Royal Brother by doing that we framed the actual man behind it all. But we still have our suspicions about the real guys behind setting you up. So we kill the fake princes and now we are hiding them. With your brothers, which-"

"You had advised against." Yoongi cut off sehun letting out a sigh "I know about their obsession with those boys. Remind me later we need to talk about that too" the outside scenery didn't help him much so he Focused on the tablet review on the press conference the high Royals been broadcasting to the whole world.

Seung-Hyun, who been multitasking one hand on the tablet scrolling down and rapidly answering the question the news and updates his other hand working on the laptop. Without even looking up from the laptop he passed the tablet to Yoongi.

Yoongi took it not questioning how his friend had managed to notice him, he knew even they engross in work they all have amazing alertness and sixth sense in them.

"And now we are on our way to attack the King Of Mafia. Devil's!! KILL ME NOW " Kangin said but his words muffled by the pen he had between his teeth.

But all other understood his words clearly. They all sigh loudly simultaneously.

"Please remind me to duct tape his mouth after this, please," Seung-Hyun muttered still not looking up from the laptop.

"Sure, "Kangin and Yoongi said in unison.

They all went back to the work.

"How far are we?" Yoongi asked.

Seung-Hyun checked his watch and sigh out loud, "If my calculation is correct which of course they are we be there in thirty-six minutes." Raising his eyebrow. He passed A small orange bottle full of medication towards Yoongi. Who took it unconsciously pulling out the right amount of medication and took a swing of the cold water offered by Kangin.

On the tablet, the Newsfeed was going on about the new finding in the investigation on Kidnapping and killing of the Royals on the island.
As the PR guy of High Royal's spoke a report raised his hand. The Guy pointed at her and the report stood.

"Any luck finding out more about the ID of kidnappers behind it?"

"The details of what we have is already been in public knowledge, Mam. The boat they used to get to the 'ship' was found fifteen hundred miles away from the border. When we trace back to the company the boat belongs to they report it missing. We believe the kidnappers bribed to cost guards from there they manage to transport the princes to the island. PWF is working on the security system but not be able to link the figure print to anyone yet..... No more question. as we have already informed this guy are highly professionals. I hope that is all for today as you all know this is a Hard time for them. They have lost. So I request you all at a time like this please help the Royals of Verzula to cope. By showing our strength. This is Dark days Verzula but that doesn't mean there won't be light ahead of us.even though " the man looks directly at the camera.

The broadcast ended.

"They are going round and round, " sehun said.

Seung-Hyun, Kangin and Yoongi just shook their head 'no'.

"They are hiding it.arent they ?" Seung said.

All three other men nodded

"Elaborate to the person who stayed here, and didn't know the half of it please, " sehun said.

Kangi closes the file with a sigh he started "the Generals Royal had already taken out the people we want them to find, "

"That's a good thing right...ah! But...there is a But there I can feel it"

"But, PWF went all over the place. I am worried what if they find the tunnel. Even if they do. We still need to find the people who were behind it all the Actual people until then the world needs to think that the princes are dead. Also, we need to think about our Boss condition.....WORK WORK WORK. Hell, I am pretty sure the Royal has their suspicious or whatever they won't back down until they see a body or two. But we are good until any of their leads end up at our doorstep.....i need a beer " Kangi shook his head.

"I hear you, " sehun said .of course the men are getting an edge. They have been running on caffeine and alcohol.

After settling down the princes in different territories Namjoon and jungkook lives and manage. Just when he thought he got time to think on the next move. His father summoned him home. Some urgent meeting he said.

So he and his whole crew landed back in the capital. Home freaking Sweet Home.

"Connect me with my brothers," Yoongi asked.

"Yes sir, but before that, I got some update on Namjoon's part sir. The prince he had under his protection. He is a handful sir."

Yoongi Huffed ." And you asked why I separated them"

Putting his hands up "Yes I get it now sir.Give me a second "

As he went back to work on his computer.

In no time he connected Yoongi With Namjoon and they waited for jungkook to connect with them.


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