Last minute decision. part 2

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*its jungkook's birthday so I had to come up with some amazing fighting skills of his and make use of his muscles. *
*chapter is full of action scenes and scary moments  *

Holding Taehyung by this neck jimin moved both of them towards the club area where both older brothers were lounging.

Hoseok had his leg over the sofa and his left hand over him. He was giving up a good 'Don' vibe waiting for his captured victim .

Gods that can look scary when he wants to be? 

Taehyung hung his head there is no way in the world he his getting out of this. So why fight.? 

"oh!  There you are I have been waiting for this moment so long " hoseok said all dark voice. "come come my dear "

Taehyung really Don't want to so he shook his head 'no ' . A dangerous frown came upon his brother face.Taehyung gulped he knows that look. That's his brother you-really-dont-want-to-piss-me-of  Face. 

Tae really didn't want to piss his brother more so he went close to him. Ever so slightly taking one step at a time. But the shove from jimin got hate moving faster.

Hoseok stood and walked towards tae

What is he going to do?  Is going to threw me of the board
One step close.

Beat me?
Second step

Or will he take all my Gucci product and sell them in kinder school ? Not my socks"
Taehyung closed his eyes at the horrible image his mind came up with.

Last step.

Taehyung abruptly went to his knee and Begged " Hyung!!! Please do not sell my socks to those kids. " making a face " those kids are going to be mean.  They will ruin my sock " tears came up in tae eyes.

Hoseok looked at his in shock " what??? " he looked at jimin. How looked confused and shocked too.
"taeh-oh!  God have mercy !!"

Taehyung stared crying out loud.
Saying in gibberish ....
"hyy-ung pl-plese do-nt ki-ll the bu-nn-y "

Hoseok turned with huge eyes and it almost look like he was going to run up the hill scream at he meet with jin eyes.

Jin who was having way to much fun. Watching his crazy kid tae and younger brothers who look like panicked parents.

"Hyung!!!  Help " hoseok screamed. Hands in the air really given up trying to cheer up Taehyung.

Shaking his head jin stood and walked towards his crazy brother . He went down to his knees. On tae eye level he is really a kid when he is drunk.

Putting his hand over tae silk soft hair. Who glaze met his oldest brother eyes. His tae were puffed and cheek where red and on the top of that he was still crying. Oh my dear boy...

Jin open his arms and tae immediately took the hint. In a second he was wrapped up in the strongest and safest arm of his older brother. 

"tae let go of Hoseok's pants please " jin asked softly. And tae let it go. "Now who is bothering you ,my sweet pie " kissing tae head.

He signaled both younger brothers to give them some space.  First they didn't but when they left reluctantly. Leave jin alone with tae.

After some moment of silence. Tae turned his head close to Jim's ears and asked in a hushed voice "Are they gone ??"

"yes " jin answered.

Tae lift his head enough to check for himself.  When he was sure he met Jim's eyes .they both just stared at heavy other for a second or two.

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