Chapter 5 (Jungkook) (Taehyung)

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four years six months later.(Jungkook)

The occasional bulp bulp bulp sound of bubbles in the aquarium filling the room, the smooth sound relaxing the Man's temper.

He never thought that a mild sound could be this relaxing, at least the sound distracted him enough for not to draw his gun and kill one of his best friends.

Hmm.. Why waste a bullet? Knives oh now that's a reusable weapon, Nah! so much blood on the 'beautiful carpet', his friend like so much at least there be something he should not stain that remembered by.

"Boss, " General Ryeowood spoke.The General's having really hard time to maintain his usual calm demeanor, the Man is practically fuming.


The Mafia Prince raised his one perfect eyebrow. Making his displeasure known without even looking at his General's direction . "Down Boy." the Prince lips barely moved but the order was clear ,in his perfect authoritative voice, underlined with 'Calm down or I will throw you out the balcony route. ' tone in it.

The General growelled but remain silent. Without even seeing the man Jungkook knew ,the General rolled his eyes, walked near the sofa and sat down heavy, well as heavy he can seat down mind full of not letting the outsider know he is being brat infront of his prince

That won't look Good.

There is so much the prince could allow them to Get way with.but there are boundaries, they respect their prince. Hell !! they wear a brand of their Prince over their heart.

Literally, Jungkook closed his eyes when memories of that day came flooded in his brain. He was just came home from his exploration from the countries, A business trip. When his brother in Arms came inside his room with a goofy smile on their faces, after been asked, they proudly showed their brand or tatoots over their chest in bold letters.

They had a fight. A nasty one. But at the end of the day. They manage to calm jungkook.The Prince had half the mind to order them to surgically remove it but the Generals refused.

A throat clearing got his attention back to the present room.Just to irritate Rye more The prince said "Good boy, Now let the adults talk. " The hyper aware mafia prince didn't have to look up to see his friend is hitting his head on the sofa. A smirk spread on The Prince face.

To the man sitting across the glass table, with a hand gesture the prince addressed. "Mr. Juan-Ho you were saying? "

The prince didn't bothered to look up from his table where he kept filling the files on the last shipment report, naturally it's his Assistant's job. But this shipments were special one.

The Mafia Prince frowned slightly, hadn't he just asked the man to speak, he looked up to see the man squirming in his seat.


The one thing he really hated is 'his ' people acting like a weakling.

Ji Yong took the hint, crossing the room in five strids, the General took the other sit next to Mr. Juan-Ho putting a hand on the frighten man. The Prince had no idea how the man but the scariest most Merciless man change into the boy next door but he do it with his warm voice he said"Mr. Juan-Ho. I believe you have something to tell us, please do."

The man hesitated, but he spoke "Y-Yes my prince, I apologize for taking your time. " he gulped but the next he spoke his spoken strongly " I been working under Xi'an and Ry'an Family for fifteen years, I have poured my Blood, sweat and tears to the families company.... " the man's voice broke. The prince looked up once again from his files, when the man stopped talking.

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