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The next he came around it was to birds crippling greeting Morning to everyone except for me cause my head hurts, and he was damn sick and tired of being out for so long .

He tried to open is eyes one at a time , they did open up slowly still heave from the drug effect but they opened which was a good thing right ?

The room he was in was beautiful. he have never been in an house like this and that's coming from A Royal it's a huge thing .

White ceiling , and beautifully colored walls with sliver and ocean blue paint in the main wall on my right was a floor to ceiling window with and hill top ocean view . Palm trees covering the beach side .it really was an amazing place to be .

Taehyung didn't realizes he was this mesmerized by the view that He failed notice another person's presence in the room . until the man cleared his throat and greeted him with "Morning Your ,Highness."

The sudden sound made the poor prince jumped and faced the man.

The man was bowing ,so The Prince gave him the bow too. he was tough to be humble to anyone he encounter even if it's his capturers Butler . The man was in his 40s.he was dresses in white wing collar dress shirt , had a dark grey Vest , black tousers and a ocean blue tie matching the color of the house or he ocean . White gloves in hand carrying a notebook in it .his hair were gelled perfectly back not a thing out of place.

"Your Highness ?" the man questioned with a slight frown on his face .

Taking a breath he said "Yes Good Morning......?"

"Call me Vex" the butler said clearing the slight Dilemma of the small prince.

Tae smiled "Call me Taehyung." In a very calm demeanor.

"How was your first night at the Deomour Island." The butler asked.

This man , " it was good . I slept like a skeleton."

He man smiled " Good to Hear, The masters are for you in the dining hall . if you please join follow me . I will lead you to them."

I care care about the food old man tell me where my brother is ? where we are ? and who the hell is this MASTERS of your ? is my brother okay ? is he wake ?

Taehyung really wanted to ask many questions but he bit is tongue . Patience is a virtue good to have them . Always let your enemy think that you are fragile and small on the outside inside be cool and collective but smart ready to attack when needed .

Giving is best smile he followed the man out the door into the hallway . tae kept is senses on . counted every door and windows on the way . the house was big not bigger than The Palace but still big

Both the man came close to the staircase then when Taehyung got his first hit of dizziness , triggering is head ache up a notch. He caught the railing in time to support himself up right .then the second wave hit is making is hand slip from the railing he was about to free fall down the stair face first .when he heard "Tae!" the familiar voice and hands caught him on time and into a protective hug

"Hyung!" Surprised and joy mix tae wrapped is hand around is older brother . "Hyung!!! your are alive.!!" Sobbing now taehyung couldn't believe it .he wasn't alone his brother will make everything better now .

"of course I am alive ." his brother said with amusement in his voice. But it didn't last long. His expression got serious " who told you I was dead ?"

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