Chapter #16# (Taehyung)

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The Morning Tae woke up, with a heavy headache, and groggy.

He sat up his bed feeling a little sick to his stomach he ran towards the bathroom and threw up.

When he was done, the fuzzy mind of his cleared up, remembering everything about how he ended up being this sick, really that was the last time he is going to use his power if his family can't figure out now, he is going to be in deep trouble.

Taehyung touched his chest, feeling his soul energy which is low due to his power use and is part away from his twin brother.

His older brother was right all along, he and jimin should have thought about this and trained to stay in distant, looks like the arrogance did come in to bite them.

Taehyung took the brush from the cupboard and brushed his teeth, it took him a minute to realize, this was the same brand he uses back at home.

This salty pies really been spying on them huh?

Taehyung wonder about why the man still wore a face over his face, from what Tae could tell the man was well built, with good jet black hairs. Giving Taehyung a feeling of Déjà vu. But for the life of him, he couldn't remember where he had seen the man.

Back Home Taehyung meets a lot of people day in and day out he never thought one those people could harm him kidnapped him and seal him on an island.

Taehyung never curses to today he really wanted to think on all the time his hyung tried to teach him various techniques to break free from all this kind of scenario. If Taehyung could go back he really wanted to kick himself and learn those all the communication thing his brother and his general tried to teach him.

After refreshing himself, the went towards the big floor to ceiling windows, pushing all the curtains away letting the buttery glow of sunlight entering in the room, lifting the glow of ocean blue color of the walls, the room taehyung was in, is no doubt beautiful.

Taehyung placed his one open palm on the window glass, watching the beautiful ocean outside, back home at Taehyung's palace he had the view as like this one, watching this now Taehyung felt a pain in his heart. The same as a puppy must felt when being separated from its family.

A tear rolled down on taehyung's face and on to his silk white shirt.

Just then the knock on the door came.

Taehyung closed his eyes, and let out a tired sigh. So it begins.

"Co-" Taehyung's voice broke at first, he licked his lips getting his composure back, he called out "Come in"

The door opened but taehyung didn't turn to greet the person, his brothers would have scolded him for it, but guess what they are not here.

"My prince, " it was the housemaid, " The landlord would like your presence at the dinner table for the breakfast."

Taehyung nodded, but actually, he was in shock, after what he did on their last meal, the man still want to have a meal with him. Taehyung had thought the man would put him on fasting. Making him beg but no he is asking for a meal again?

Taehyung followed the lady which was good because if left alone with his own devices, Taehyung would get lost in the many turns and stairs.

Let's be honest he was never good with directions.

As they made the way towards the open garden, taehyung didn't question the lady, just enjoyed the sweet smell of freshly cut grass, the salty fresh breeze coming form the wide heavy waters, taehyung inhaled deeply and promised himself not be a diva about it and thank the man.

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