Chapter #11# (Yoongi)

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"What kind of gun you carry?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrow to the unexpected question thrown at him by the prince.

After the fiasco with the crowd, meeting them and accepting their condolences. The Royal family including some important distanced people gathered around the dining table for the meal.

Yoongi was glad his father's and brothers excuses plan out well so he didn't have to explain it anymore he should. Besides he didn't care. If people give him with worried eyes, they can go out the door.

His duty and priority his to keeping Prince Jimin safe. He won't go out and tell them about his real worry. The people who really want to hurt the Royals are still out there somewhere.

He is not stupid, he can see what the Royals are doing ' the keeping your friends closer....and all that bullshit' but he won't go out and tell them to stick it. He wants to help them catch the real Villian here.

He also can see the Anxiety pouring out of the Younger prince, it hurts his heart placing the Pure soul in this condition, so the Young prince didn't come out of the Troublesome night unscathed after all.

Yoongi wanted to kick himself, of course, he didn't he took the beating of a lifetime that day and what yoongi heard the brothers always stays beside him since that day.

The reality of the situation is, he can't help the Younge prince by telling him his Brothers are alive, first because if he did the man or woman whoever they are behind putting Yoongi and his brothers to kill the High Royals are still out there. Second, He is the one to die by the LAW, which in turn start the war.

Yoongi frowned, As the Prince stared at him. Had anyone ever told the prince how cute he looked when he giving's his cold eyes? His lips twitched " .23 Route 1.3 with ten rounds, My Prince."

The young prince looked at the side." Is it good?"

" The best.... "

The prince hummed and looked down in his plate again, playing with the salad. His chewed his lips like he is bitting his another question. Yoongi could swear he can read the beautiful mind. Yoongi looked down on his own plate, more like he forced his attention away from the prince.

Asking what he wants to know only lead the prince to shut down, amd dealing with his teenage brothers had taught him anything is letting them come in on their pace.

Luckily he didn't have to wait for so long.

"How didn't they take it?" Jimin asked in his soft voice.

It was an off the topic question but at least Yoongi knows want the Younger asking of him. Sadly Yoongi didn't had good thing to share, Over some month ago him and Jimin had honor to meet a good girl, her name was pearl. Living her life to save her parents, only to know they were the trash they were, Yes 'were' because Yoongi didn't let them live for so long knowing how they used her money on drugs, the money she gets by selling her body to The vial man. Until she had the chance to get out of the country on her last night at the Country she died saving the Prince. "They didn't..." And that was all Yoongi was able to share. He didn't want the Prince know about what he did to the ungrateful people.

For a minute Yoongi thought the prince is going to ask him to explain but he must have seen something because all he did was to Nod.

Yoongi felt a pain in his chest, when first he saw the Prince be was all chatty full of life, friendly to others, Seeing him now is hard for him all broken and drawn out person is just heartbreaking. Yes, yoongi understands the Prince is going through a lot.

The dinner was silent, even though the dining hall was full of almost fifty people. Fifty Grieving people. The Royals and High-class people of the world understood the mean of Lose.

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