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*⚠ Warning⚠
Scenes depicted in this chapter may be too Graphic ,Dark and Bloody for some readers. I usually don't like to wright this kind of chapter but my story and characters demands it. I (dsmriti77 the author of this Dark fantasy)  highly NAaa cut that out I strongly advise you the readers please don't read if you can't take it. These story is wild and scary for some people. *


(Sewaken island :Down in the basement  where five men, hanging from the heavy hooks attach from the ceiling, unconsciously some really badly bitten up.)

A sound of a pained moan and scream echoed in the other wise quite room.

Throw out the years, this wall has been witnessing this kind of scene without complaining, but not like this or what is about to come next.

"TELL ME!! " the words came quiet from the far end of the room.

Namjoon was standing his back to the wall, one leg was bend , Crossed hands over his chest. He let a out a heavy sigh.  He love interrogation, it's the best part for him playing with the victims already broken mind. Twisting it.  Leading it the way He wants. Manipulating it. He gets off on this.

But this, this is just Boring. He knew it from the start. This is going to bloody by his Hyung or his Younger brother's hand.

Namjoon had already asked the bounded men to submit but they don't wanna go with his way. So now he is just waiting for his brothers to come down here and take the charge he is sleepy anyways by the ways this guys are pleading and begging for mercy. Asking him to just put a bullet in their head..... Oh! He wanted to do just that. But.. Tsk-tsk this guys dosent deserve that.

They deserve the worst. By his hands or the Brothers doesn't matter. Oh! Namjoon is not a coward he would love to take his time killing this assholes slowly painful.  But he'll he just bought the booths he is wearing right now and he would hate if he ruin it with blood stains of a back stabbing bastards like his.

Puffing out the cigar smoke. "What the hell where you think? " he asked.

No reply came.  It wasn't like he was excepting one. But still.

"Giving us the wrong detail. Leading us to Kill the 'Royals'. You really thought we would kill someone without even knowing who they are.? " it's not like him or his Brothers knew they did much investigation on who they had on their hit list when they abort the ship. But this guys don't need to know.

"Not only you guys forgotten the oath you took when you pledged for Mafia. But you forgotten whom you were about to frame. "

"We almost succeed didn't we. " the one with the bloody nose said with a toothless smirk.

(OH!!!  YES YOU ARE RIGHT. WHICH ONE THEY ALL HAD A BLOOD NOSE.. hmm then let me put it this way.  The one who thought he is being smart. Bad mouthing Namjoon ,Idoit)

Well he got what he deserves.  A bullet to his knee.

"Oh! " putting his hand over his heart , innocently Namjoon asked." you were saying something. "

When a painfully groan answers his question. Namjoon smiled his dimples where showing."That's what I thought. " putting his gun back. "so... where was I? " He asked

Then continued. " Rules and Royals they are not to be messed with. " cluching his hands in a fist.  Remembering the time when these bastards took the oath. Without blinking his eyes infront of all the leaders. He had such promise in his eyes back then.

"You should have chose the other option. " Namjoon walked towards the man. The guard who been standing and punishing the man bound to the chair. Moved away just in time. So his boss could Punch the man. The hit was hard enough to break a tooth and it did.

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