(Royal Mouring)

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      The whole Mourning period is divided into three phases.

                            Phase 1

Official Announcement.
  1)President has been contacted.
  2) Press and all the subject been officially informed.
   3) the Golden gates of Castle will shut down.
    4) Black flags are hoist.
     5) once all the world Leaders will arrive
     6) Entertaining telecast, high music will we retired. Until the end of mouring period.
     7) Ever verzulaian will wear  mouring attires (Black ) , no color other then black be worn for the whole month.
     8) According to LAW, the city will face cerfew.Any business is other than Vital business like Hospital, food mart, News channels, city store will be shut down for funeral day.

                              Phase 2

1)The coffin will be placed in the Arch Hall for public. For one week. Giving the time to the people to place the goodbyes and prayer to the deceased.

2)On eighth, the day morning prayer will be held, after that the coffins to be lead to the Royal Peace Ground.

3) After the funeral. The Mourner say there peace to the Royals one last time.

                      Phase 3 (aftermath)

1) The Brand will be change.
2) Second High Prince Hoseok will take the responsibility of his older Brother.

3) Royals will meet the people.


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