Lucid dreams

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Pushing him hard against the wall. And  throwing my body on him his .his eyes went hugh and all the breath his body. 

He is so innocent he inverted his eyes. Seeing everything except meeting my eyes. And slow pink blush coloured his cheeks.  His nervous .

He took his bottom lips getting it wet again and again.  The pink tongue gutting out the wet his bottom an upper lips. And at the end he just sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth.

Okay may be very nervous.

I cupped his cheek and firstly rescued the baby lips. I cant see the abused on ones lips if it wasnt from me.  I just dont like it.

Oh dear god he is precious with those eyes. They are soulful and for someone like me saying a word soul is a saying in its own way.

I looked into his eyes and then towards is lips.  I want to kiss his so badly. And take a possession of my own and his body.  His breath , soul and everything he stands for that ....oh gods what is happening to me.?  But the god didnt reply as always. But the door did

"wake up!!!  Airhead!!! " and his dream ends with his  brother shouting. He mean they are in a car.... Not car his monster truck and he is shouting from like whatever meters away. He is-was driving.

Where the hell are we???

I looked out of the window . And saw the sigh 'shipyard ' i frowned in confusion. "i thought we were going for a hit and not sailing. " i knew i was right .i never been the one to misheard the information. The orders were clear.

' take out the cub by parents with a clean knife ' thats was my father said
Which meant 'take out a royalty last heir , make it look like parents murdered there own blood and make it a knife cut. Make sure the whole case must look like open and close. '

with a smirk which was weird cause he never smiled ever in his life not even when the high king placed him the king of underworld.

This is a dirty job i know but all i can do is to follow kings orders. Plus my fathers word is a law and also respect is everything.  I dont know what his poor bastard did to angre our father but whatever it is king's sons will take care of it.

"-that's why we are here . " namjoon finished saying something. Towhich my big brother yoongi frowned. Then namjoon eyes met mine. Of course expecting an agreement or some sort.  But "sorry brother i didnt heard a thing. " i told him with straight face.

Yoongi scoffed and namjoon huffed cause that's to explaining.

"why are we here ? " i am a no nonsense guy actually my whole face is when it come to business. Its a blood thing. Whatever.

"i said. The pride (group of lion who is the king of animal kingdom.)  is coming here for some celebration ." namjoon stopped at my confused expression "you know how the royal are spoiled brats like to throw party every chance they get. "

"bu-"namjoons hand stopped jks question.

"i know.  That was we do too. But come on man i just wanted to have something so it be easy to kill them just one harted is enough. So where was i . Yeah . There is going to be big party or whatever shit we go in and do the job. Okay.... "

I agreed and so did yoongi.

But we didnt know that job is not and easy thing..


Two hours later.

We didnt know.

We didnt know.

As i was ready to pull the trigger and make those soul full eyes off which i was dreaming about a souless.

We didnt know.

I hand shook but the determination in those eyes didnt not even a bit. At that moment i wish i knew him way head of time or just didnt knew him at all this all be more easy.

"do it " without eyes blinking his eyes Taehyung said a tear rolled down his eyes.

We didnt know the party we crashed was for the prince jimin and Taehyung birthday.

"JUST DO IT. " he shouted

And walked towards me. Like a knee jerk reaction. My figure squeezed the trigger.


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