Stupid Kidnapper

142 13 38

Third person pov

Before the two prince can get out of the room and away from the psychos. The door shut down on their faces . just before them.

"like I said you both are not going anywhere ."The leader making himself comfortable in his chair.

Seokjin had enough , He balled his fist and turned to meet his brothers Doe eyes.

Anger was such a small word for what the princes were feeling . who do this people think they are ? And if they think kidnapping and isolating them from the world ,will make them weak and cry for muma well then this people have no idea who they are dealing with.

But you know what they say in anger you tend to do stupid shit.

Seokjin took a deep breath to came his angry heart and took a hold of his brothers hand as he was about to attack. Normally taehyung is a sweet soul but and never hurt a soul even ever not even a bug.

But he is acting like a complete different person . Seokjin shook his head silently telling his little brother 'no'. taehyung huffed and kept his eyes trained on the guy they called 'j'.

Seokjin took the charge of the situation , he moved his glazed to the leader " what do you want from us"

The leader smiled knowing the prince lost the battle , "first , join us for the meal ."

Seokjin chewed the inside of his chicks , with a sigh he moved towards the table , Taehyung trailing behind him . Just when they sat at the other end of the table .The server came near them plate in hand, putting it in front of the prince and uncovering it .

It shouldn't be a surprise for them to see their favorite morning meal in front of them the whole world know what they like and dislike thanks to modern tech and their publicist , But seeing it was a little shock .

Seokjin and taehyung both hesitated , looking at the meal ,

Raising his eyebrow , tae questioned his brother . ' what if they drugged it or poised it ?

Seokjin narrowed his one eye towards his brother 'But if they want to kill them they would have mills away in the ocean right ?'

Discreetly tae narrowed and tilt his head slightly towards the left, ' so drugs'


They are not telepathically connected to each other it just living with each other for a long time , plus they are brother they know very well what and how they other think. All four brothers are the same .

Tae took a sniff of his meal.

"It's not Drugged." The J guy said with a huff.

Taehyung looked at him more like glared at the guy. "OH yeah , and I will belive you when Daenerys sit on the Throne."he snapped.


J had his eyes narrowed , tae couldn't see it because of the mask but he definitely knew the guy was frowning in confusion . tae's brother looked at him in disbelief , the Tall guy was laughing and the leader just sighed letting out a breath , not believing what just happened .

Tae was Proud of himself for making the guy speechless for a moment .

The leader cleared his throat getting everything on track , " Boys just show them it's not drugged ."

Taking the order J and tall guy stood up and walked towards the princes , sat down on the chair each beside the princes , tall near jin and the j near tae, taking the spoon They both took a bit from the princes plates. Putting the spoons away and replacing it with New once they sat their .

Minutes Ticked by nothing happened .

"Now , eat your meal your highness ."

As on waiting for the order both princes stomach growled at the as time.

Both prince were not happy on how this two mitten heads took a bit from their meal, and chewed making sound on purpose , both wanted to voice out or better kick them, but their stomach growled out loud making them blush traitor bitch.

"Eat the meal your highness and while you at it let watch a movie." The leader guy said from far end of the dining table. Now holding a remote and pushing the button .

Light around the room dimmed the floor to the ceiling glass changed the a full black glass wall , the wall opposite to the dining table light up , the whole room changed into a theater room.

"why aren't you guys eating ?" the leader asked or more like ordered .

Seokjin and taehyung glared at his direction.

"Don't break my chefs heart . he had to go to the main land himself and fetch the ingredients ."

"I don't-"

"His on wheelchair" the leader said making tae to close his mouth , also giving him a guilt trip.

Both princes stared eating the meal. They both royal would be lying if they said they were not hungry. Beside it must been days since they had their last meal.

"All right then" the leader let out a sigh .and click the remote again making the big television attach to the wall to come alive.


short Chapter????

 hmm me think so too!!!!!!!!!

Pls Vote , me love you.

HAAAA i love talking PiRats ......

Big news , SEVEN is back on track so pls check it out if you like .


seokjin As Heaven prince.

Namjoon as Hades prince.

And wait for it ......

wait for it 

ji Chang wook as The Devil Son.....

There is more 

Min yoongi as Prince of Fire. (the song + the mv of Fake love)

jung Hoseok as the Prince of nature( he like Green )

Kim Tae hyung as the prince of oceans (love his baby blue eye) 

Park jimin as the prince of skye realm( purple looks good on him )what am i talking about everything looks good on them and on you to my sweet little reader.

Jeon jungkook as prince of earth (he is tough guy come on )

And wait for it .......again ?? 

oh hell yes again !!!

Dragons ...cause the way Jungkooks face lite up when he heared the word ...i really want them to have them .....

pls check it out .....

and dont for get ....

*You nice keep going *

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