Chapter #12# (Hoseok)

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"How many Guards are outside?"

A loud bang, like a fist on the wood table answered his question. Hoseok didn't have to turn around to see his Friend is at the end of his rope.

The poor man had red eyes for crying out loud, thing is  Hoseok is not helping any, he didn't have to be all lovey-dovey. He is angry and didn't are mood too.

Looking away from the dark cloud he made his was towards the bar, taking out the bottle of whiskey. He pour himself two figure and glued the drink in a one go, letting it burn its path down his throat.

"It's too early to get drunk dont you thing...." Came the gruff voice of his friend. In answer Hoseok poured one  more glass for himself and drank that too.

"Stop that.This is not what you need ."

Hoseok huffed. He needs the burn, he needs it to numb the pain. He needs to numb the failure, "Then tell me... what i need?" He was bitter with words and he knew it.

"What you need is?....."

A hand came up to stop glass almost at hoseok's lips, he growled but the hand didn't waver at all.

"Time and clear mind to catch the person behind your Brothers Kidnapping. ...and stop acting like a petulant child."

Hobi just shook his head 'no', and closed his eyes causing a teardrop to fell on his cheek. With the back of his hand he wipe it off.  "I took the oath to protect them, with my life- I was chatting with her, while my brothers were getting shot and kidnapped did you know that? " Hoseok asked, not letting anyone to speak he started to talk again." Now my brothers are missing, Jimin is struggling the most, my parents....well we all can see the sky? And Jackson hates me.Heavens k hate myself....."

"How many time do i have to tell your Jackson doesn't hate you? He is broken as your are right now...amd doing the same thing your doing "

"What is that?"

"Pushing away the loved ones in case you do or say something you will end up regretting ...."

Hoseok looked at Jaebeom with a sharp eye that can cut the diamond. Jaebeom brushed it off like only he can." Truth hurts "

And yes the truth really hurts, on the outside hoseok just rolled his eyes but inside he was having a emotion crises.

Just to be on the good side he carry on with the last conversation they were having ". To answer your question. I dont know. I be more need on the security and if i go stand there with my family, who is going to be taking care of security?"

"Me and Jack-"

" Jackson is family too he needs to there too with us." And there it was accepting his best friend as his family. Unfortunately, the revelation came so late. But neither Jaebeom or Hoseok pointed it out loud.

"He denied it.."

" good then, i am not going to be there too. Beside its not about giving empty caskets a good Funeral is it."

Jaebeom pinched his forehead like he was in pain. Hoseok felt sick to hurting his friend like that. But he can't help it he has a duty to do. And kidnappers to catch. "Tell me, How many guards are outside?"

Letting out a tired sigh, "We have golden gate closed, so outside he twenty sets of tank, Tectical vehicle are set, Each exists are covered by Gordon Soldiers so dont worry about the out side. We have it covered. Whole city and ever city that comes in sixteen thousand miles under the radius are red line, no flying zone. The president and the newscast are already been alerted....."

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