Kidnappers and A fiance

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*starting from the bottom......
of the last chapter * oh you though i was talking Drake nah munchkines i wasnt


(Third person pov)* i still have to keep writing it *

Black cars came into view, "Wait ,what is happing here ?" Amelia said. The Anchor of the News said in Confusion, the mic she been holding is still at the beck of her red lips. Then she bit her lips like she wasn't suppose to say that out loud. She gave up a apologetic smile towards the camera , turned her glaze back to the scene unfolds in front of her.

The camera man got the hit, so he focused his camera towards the road were cars gathering.

"what is going on their Amelia ?" Dan from the News studio asked, by the sound of it he was a bit confused too.

"Are those tanks ?" Lane , the lady host accomplishing Dan in the News studio asked shocked.

The scean changed, now back in the news studio both Dan and Mary were trying to get a better picture of the situation. But are unable to with the noise in the background.

"I don't know Mary, but soon we find out , oh god this is so unexpected ." Amelia reporter's voice came into the studio but there was no view of the situation. But the sound of people shouting in the background can be heard.

Jin and Taehyung, got deep frown on there beautiful faces, clearly confused just as the News reporters. But the three brothers knowing already what is actually happening had matching smirk on their faces.After all their prey has taken their bait.

The scean in the television changed ,now showing the City Hall where the reporter Amelia standing in full on shock and open mouth ."T-This is unexpected."

"Nothing is unexpected , MY Dear." Came the Leaders voice. Making every eye in the room to turn their heads towards in his direction ,smirking .

What is going in his evil mind now ?..Taehyung wondered.

The leader stood up, button up his suite jacket careful, brushed off non existing dust from his shoulder , "Lets go boys, They came."

Both the other guys.who were still sitting near each princes side, stood up like good little soldiers they were and about to walk out the door, But just then tall one stopped and turned towards the princes. "oh! .. Y" nothing is that a some kind of signal.

The leader turned to the taller, then. Like a mental reminder just gone off the leader clapped his hand once, like he just remembered cracked an unsolved mystery " oh! Yeah,where are my Manners ? I knew I was forgetting something and two things at that . " putting his one hand over the big guys shoulder. "Thanks for reminding me. " Retracking his hands back folding it in front of himself. "Firstly Introduction" with a smile turned fully towards the royals bowed his head at 90 degree . "Call me Y."

'Y' Gestured towards the Taller man who bowed, when he was being introduced "This is N"

The last but not least the Muscle pig Bowed and introduced himself not waiting his boss to introduce. " I am J"

"Now that's is settled and out of the way, let get on with Second thing " Y said, rubbing his hands together like he can't wait to tell the royals about this. He walked to steps forward towards the table with a smile said "if you look down on your ankles ." Y stopped, letting the princes examine their ankles.

Both , Seokjin and Taehyung, Gasped out loud, when they saw a something around their ankles it was beeping red light, it was not there when he came down for the meal or ever those are fucking GPS trackers.

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