Chapter #13# (Seokjin)

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Seokjin came back to his sense, with a killer headache and those raised voices around him weren't helping to subside the pain any.

What he learned from the past experiences is to not open his eyes that would only make the pain worst and listened to the it's not a conversation its more like Arguments...

" alone until-" someone was saying.

"Play alone?!.." The other voice. A familiar voice said cutting the earlier man. That 'N'... The Unknown kidnapper.

Oh! Who was Seokjin kidding. He knows who the man is. It was a rocket science the Kidnappers introduced them self with their first initials 'Y', 'N' and 'J'. They had means and enough knowledge to kidnap them and those eyes even though they were wearing contact Jin had seen them and could identify them anywhere. Also he had devoted his life learning about every Mafia family. That's what Heir do when they don't waste their time on Swiming in least that's what the paper like to talk say.

Knowing your enemies and understanding is what they been educated from the beginning. He been knowing them for years. He understands them better. The relation between His and High Mafia family is like family. What seokjin doesn't understand is why his friend would do this.

There must be a reason this. Says his heart but it's just dont make any sense and if his friend thinks, they can fool him. He would play alone until he knows what is going on.

Whatever this is Seokjin can feel it is big and when the right time comes he would get out of this. He just had to wait....

".....Please listen to me. Before you lash out"

A huffing sound answered the man's word, followed with heavy footsteps.

Seokjin didn't have to open his eyes to know the other Man 'N' is not happy with whatever the other man is talking about. The temperature of the room speaks for itself. It was heavy cold in the room. Like if nothing distracting happens in the second of time Someone gonna get hurt. And seokjin could bet it wouldn't be N.

So he tried to move, but was shocked when he couldn't. What the heavens? The fog in the room got thicker by the second. When he couldnt Move seokjin opened his eyes....or tried to but they didn't.

Now the panic settled in his heart. Seokjin could hear the Beep beep beep familiar sound of a heart monitor increasing speed.

"S...sir.!" An another voice joined in its was a lady. It came from so close to seokjin he would have jumped it could only move......why the heaven he couldnt move???.

"Not now Liya!!" N's voice came like he was talking threw his teeth.

"Sir!! " Liya's voice was urgent. It must have done the trick because next thing Jin could hear was footsteps. This time they were coming towards him. 

Cold fingers on seokjin's forehead almost got him jumped if he could have.

"Any change...." Namjoon asked, and this time his voice had a soft tone to it.

"Yes sir, the prince is fighting the Drugs hard, mentally but..."

When there was a gap in the sentence jin cursed inside because how much he tried he couldn't able to move or even twitch.The next Namjoon spoke it was thrown his teeth, "You should stop watching those TV serials, Liya. Nobody likes the dramatic gaps...."

"Sorry I was saying. The drugs we are giving right now is to counteract the previous drugs. They were the high dosage, so mentally the prince is okay. But it would take him almost two more days to physically wake up...."

"Any Nerve damage." Namjoon's voice was still soft but his voice had an urgency in it.

"No nothing that i can see, we going to have to wait sir. But i think the self-healing factor in verzulian will kick in so we don't have to worry about that......Sir, But i highly advise we should stop giving the drugs. The Drugs are Good but giving them constantly it is to much even for the us, him this must be like slow poison...."

Namjoon sighed, his warm breathe fell on Jin's hot&cold skin, again if jin could have moved." I understand.. Don't worry if everything goes well we don't have to use them again. But i must ask you to lower the drug dosage.....just in case. I don't like the idea to hurt him but I can't let others know we have him here.  " he said in soft tone a hint of sadness in them.

This them the girl sighed, sound of paper ruffling. " well sir you know he is dead anyway so......sorry. Sometimes my mouth speaks for himself. Please don't kill me."

A sound like someone just snorted in disbelief filled the room. Then the other man spoke." Liya, next time just say what you want to..okay." The man had slip of arrogant in his voice.

Again Jin wondered, what kind of people his ex-friend, surrounded himself with? And yes Namjoon is now his so ex friend, he didn't. The Mafia didn't Even known.

Seokjin surprised himself when a moan left from lips.

And just like that the room went still.

Which only lasted a minute!

Then there was commotion all around. When jin thought there were only three people in the room well he was wrong in so many levels.

By the sound of it was almost like a whole army of doctors and nurses.

Liya was the lady in charge by the sound of it. Voices everywhere footsteps everywhere. Seokjin tried to pinpoint the sound. Except for the ECGs. Above all else he could here two authoritative voices. One's the Doctore in charge amd the other was Namjoon's. Both there voices had clam and peace in it.

Which had seokjin thinking the way his generals works......His mind drifted off.

Generals! Oh gods.!!!

Jin hoped his brother didn't beating himself up. Think He was to be blamed for the kidnapping,

He prayed is younger brothers are okay. Jimin with is PTSD and Taehyung.....gods where are you taetae??

He worried himself for his parents and the kingdom. Jin calmed his brain because his heart has taken over he tried with all his might to slow down the slide show images inside his brain making the matter worst. But like his body his control over his brain is unless. They both deny his command.

Jin felt his eyebrows drawn together and a moan escaping his lips, surprising himself and the room as the silence in the room is anything to go by.

Then a hand on his chest started the rub slowly up and down. Like someone is soothing a scared puppy accompanied by the soothing tone of Namjoon. Whispering calm words and promises of not letting anyone hurt jin, which is funny in own way because whatever namjoon's plan is kidnapping someone just to tell them they are doing for good is a psychopathic tend.

Jin didn't know when but even for a small minute he thought getting false hope for the man even for a bit his good. Jin blamed his state of semi-paralyzed body, also the warmth he felt where the hand touched him are soothing.

In no time his barrier fall and so did his consciousness...

The last thought in his mind was hoping somehow he get to the mafia boss to let him go.

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