Chapter #3# (Taehyung)

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Waking up was hard, harder than last time.

Taehyung surprised himself ,When he remembered each and every tunnel,he was knocked out last time. right ?

Going in and out, his Body is protesting,When he tried to move.

Worst Acid trip ever...

What was is this time? Had he done something ? or Jimin hyung he always finds a away to knock him out or was it his regular spar training with Hoseok hyung and Jackson hyung ? they never take those things lightly , Just you wait when jin hyung hear about it. Taehyung promised the them eternally. Jin hyung will kick their asses.

But for real Taehyung doesn't want to go to check in with his family Doctor Junan , she always judge him...badly.

Man all this thinking hurting his head, a lot.

The sun light hitting is face making him complaint and move down little further in the den he made , If the sun is up that means soon his buddy will jump on the bed and lick up his face, Taehyung hate it ..Naa he love it. But not today.

Today he is totally in the mood, His head hurt his throat hurt , his ....well whole body hurt? But why ?

Taehyung seriously going to complained to seokjin and see his own version of kicking the ass the curb. Woundnt that be a sight to hold . he would enjoy it for sure.

Taehyung gulped to wet his throat felt soar.

what was it? Did they had so much to drink ? they must have,case the last time he felt this rung out was when those filthy kidnappers drugged him.


Then an only then the events of last couple of days came crushing in , with great presentation slide show of his life. With a lots of headache.

Kidnapping .....


Shooting ......

Island .......

Jin Hyung.

Oh gods!!! Jin Hyung...

All his thoughts process halted. With screeching painful halt. When his older name flash in his mind ?

His eyes opened it "Jin Hyung!!" taehyung didn't noticed that he said it out loud until his neck protested .He tried to open his eyes , but it was like they glued together and his pounding headache and queasy stomach weren't helping much .

He moved his hands slowly moving his palm aroundcomfortable bed sheets , silk sheets ? He hated silk sheets. His hand slowly moved towards the side stand.

Glass of water touched his warm skin it's was cool ..there was a glass of water..

Reminding him of his dry throat... But what if its drugged ? giving it a thought or two taehyung shrugged at least that would dull the pounding headache right ...? right ?

He pushed himself on his elbow, and brought the cool glass over his lips took a slip, letting to wet his dry mouth and throat,without opening his eyes.when he was done he putting dow the glass care fully .

Taehyung rubbed his eyes,rubbing the sleep away , slowly circulating clockwise. That helped eased his headache.

He slowly opened his eyes and wished he hadnt. The sunlight in the room gave him a jerking sting.

As he willed his mind to focus, like a blur camera lense his eyes did.

The room was hugh , decorated with beautiful white stone, big windows , big king sized bed and weird looking sofa and .....'oh look'... mantle, the room screamed money.

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