Last Minute Decision (part 2.0 jk)

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*JIN has colored his hair . he is back to black .which was your favorite ?*


Crouching behind a wall , his back was against the wall , he let his head fall back on the wall behind him. " if this is your definition of easy job , brother I really don't want to know your hard limit ." he complained .

Its been two hours since they had a board the ship . how well you have to ask namjoon that . and since then they been hiding and fighting the guards .And man those guys could fight

"Hey !! don't blame me . I only know as much as you know about this mission so why I am being accused here !!!" namjoon asked really looked annoyed .

"because coming to this trip was your idea !!!." yoongi said and he joined them. Taking a deep breath now jungkook can relax at least he is not the only one . " what's next? Plan man" yoongi asked in his I am the boss here voice to Namjoon.

Namjoon gave him and evil eye but motion them to head south .Taking the order in their best army order they moved one by one .stoping every time they spot a guard and they are many .and when they aboard the ship Namjoon had to switch off the motion sensors to , more like invisible them also the army boots they are wearing making them invisible but Namjoon took the security seriously .

When two other guards spotted , Jk pushed his brother in hide . muttering " God! Damn how many guards require them to hide his royals."

"I never said .it was a piece of cake." Namjoon said.

"stop bickering ladies .lets finish the job the hotel bed is calling my name ." yoongi said from behind .

Both the boys stop talking . they looked at each other, nodded in one confirmation and ran in unsion behind each guards . hold their face and neck and twist it . both guard fall off the railing into the ocean .Dead.

Yoongi whistle at them Again they moved in both men moved joining the older brother . "Jungkook there is a huke on the right. Finish him in three " Stared hard at jungkook who just nodded always liking a good challenge.

Jungkook took a peep where the guard patrolling . "alright then".he looked at Namjoon and tapped at his own shoulder . Signaling namjoon to watch jk's back he nodded .

Taking a breath jk waited till the guard turned his back towards him. Till then he observer his opponent and calculated his moves and weakness .He is eyes turned evil . His target was about to move ,just then jungkook moved with a lightning speed he was behind his was behind the hunk tapped his shoulder ,startled he faced jungkook taking the advantage . just like he been ordered to do in three swift moves his enemy was on the ground plus no sound .

But before he can victory dance over it .

Jungkook was tackled to the ground a groan left out .he tried to see what the hell got him down and that thing was a rock build man . "Man! Mr.Rock are heavy."he mutter struggling trying to catch his breath . Normally, he won't be this friendly to anyone but what the hell? . he need air .

Rock got the upper hand because he was on top of jungkook but he made a mistake he tried to cuff jungkook .Man .who does that ? jungkook threw his head back hitting the rock's nose . immediately jungkook pushed himself up but again got captured by strong armand not even in romantic way he was head locked . man this guy is perspective jungkook give him that .

"okay darling the party is over ?" somehow he had his hand over the rocks neck taking the leverage he put all his power towards it pushed himself up and on the back of the rock he didn't wasted anytime locking his hand over the guys neck and head he twist it and the sicking sound of bone cracking made jungkook smile .

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