Some Rescue team

72 10 0

32'6 North,56'7 South.

(Rescue team on their way towards the location)

The Big Blade of the Helicopters killed any other sound, But couldn’t able to hush the sound of his Heart.

DON’T THINK HOSEOK ! DON’T THINK . hoseok scold himself internally . ‘this is not the time to think with the heart’ that will come later, But right now his duty is calling More like its ordering for blood ,the Blood of his enemies who dared to touch his brothers ,who dared to pull the trigger and spill the blood of the royal like lost dogs , in an dungeon not three hour ago.

In front of the whole country , Gods how they looked Bruised…DON’T THINK HOSEOK DON’T THIK …think will come later.

“ 2345VC , we be reaching at the location ETA 23 Mintues.” Came the Electronic voice of the pilot threw the speaker.

As they rode at 450 miles per hour, about thirty feet above the ground level. The occasional loops and twist the vehicle make tossing them side to side.

He looked out the window , Towards the other helicopter flying ahead . His Friend had not spoken a word since they all saw the shooter killing seokjin and taehyung . when Hoseok looked into his friend’s eyes on the brief moment when they had time to dress up All he saw in jackson’s eyes was nothingness ,his friend’s had the thousand yard look in his eyes . Crushed Hoseok’s heart more.

His whole family is in shock ,but not him he need a level head right now. DON’T THINK ABOUT IT HOSEOK DON’T THINK ABOUT IT . that will come later.

Mountain they call him and Jackson .Even though his friend has fallen he won’t he be a spear to his family ,the mountain they all give their faith and hope to. He be a mountain for his friend.

He won’t fall.

He Won’t Fall.

He Can’t fall.

Hoseok gripped his Gun so tight he sure felt the metal burning his skin. He looked out the window all he saw was blue sea underneath and a head was sea. Seven Other helicopters flew besides his. He will show them those assholes.

Don’t think Hoseok , Don’t think . thinking will come later .

“General Hoseok sir!” came the pilots voice came in his head phone.

“What is it ?”

“Sir 547YU8 Is trying to contact with you sir.”

“Finally,Put them threw.” Hoseok had already send up a helicopter a head of them just when the kidnapper gave them location to flank down the location, It took the Generals whole 15 minutes to secure the broken hearted Royals and the people. They had lost the connection with them for almost five minutes.


Statics then. “2345VC, this is 547YU8. Do You Copy ? OVER!” came the connecting from the other helicopter.

“This is 2345VC ,Where were you ?.OVER!”

“S-Sir, it’s Gone.SSir” the voice broke.

“547YU8, Be Specific .Over”

TT-T- H-E IsSs”The connection was bad . so bad every words sounded strangled.

Before Hoseok could tell them anything , his own pilots voice came through speakers. Asking hoseok to come to the cockpit.

Hoseok went and froze, a cold sweat broke threw and tickled down his spine, the scenes ahead was horrifying.

“Patch me to 789YUE ,NOW” Hoseok Commanded .which was followed ofcourse .

“This is 789YUE, OVER”

“Direct line to General Jackson coms .”Hoseok commanded.

“Go of Jackson.” Jackson’s voice came raspy. Must be the reason of crying or must be the same reason.

The high smoke touched the sky, what once there was gleaming white sands and encircled the beautiful rainforest now all covered by ashes , debris all over the house was covered with Hungry flames.

Those asshole had burned the whole island down .Their own twisted was to give a cremate their self and ….
“WE ARE GOING DOWN HOSEOK. I DON’T FUCKING CARE..OVER” Jackson said his voice was all determined ,Of course Jackson be like this hell hoseok will go there too.

“ROGER THAT .OVER AND OUT” Hoseok cut the radio connection then looked at his pilot “ hover the chopper above the island where it’s safe to land. Contact DC-16 Air Tankers ASAP .” without stopping for an answer .He went back and stared to get ready for the drop.

“ALRIGHT EVERYBODY HEAR IT LOUD AND CLEAR. THE ISLAND IS HOT AND I AM NOT GOING TO RISK ANYONES ELSE LIFE , STAY ON THE CRAFT ME AND JACKSON ARE GOING DOWN , IF WE DON’T REACH YOU in 20 minute go and come back after the tanks arrives.”hoseok said while strapping the helmet .Finally taking his gun and strapping it at his back. Still keeping his eye on the pilot for the dropping sign.

“Negative sir” one of his team member stood and starting to strapping himself to land.
That shocked hoseok the most, his order always being followed but never declined ,He stared to command them but when his eyes went to the private. He was determined other team members already ready to drop . Made hoseok’s heart hurt. This loyal ..peoples what he did to get this type of …

“General ..”called the pilot and signaled him raising two figure’s , that meant two minute to drop .

“Lets go let go let go ….” With that he took the line and slide down off the helicopter ,followed by the team. They hit the grey sand.

Lifting a hand to signal jackson’s team already on the ground. The helicopter moved and circled around the island .

“the air tankers are on their way”Jackson informed, he did thought ahead , he wasn’t not out of the game as Hoseok thought at first .he was planning ahead .

“Order sirs”

“Kill anyone that comes in your way , Find The Princes and don’t get Dead.” Hoseok rattled out the orders and everyone jumped to follow.

After an hour , hoseok was kneeling on the beach looking over the blur horizon. His head gear and waist was thrown away. They were late . they were so late.

As the sun sink into the bliss blue ,so did hoseok’s hope.

He looked around all the resuce team came on the beach but they are all just wasting their time , there is no one to rescue. His wiped of the angry tears away .

He need to be strong. Right ? he is a mountain.

More tears escaped.

He need to be strong . for the figure standing and by the shake of his shoulders crying.

More tears escaped.

He need to be strong . for the people
He need to be strong …..

Oh Fuck it . he just lost his Family he will cry when he wants to be.

Fuck them all who see this as a weakness.

He Just lost his family.

Fuck it to be strong .

Some rescue team they were. What were they think when they came here.  ?

Why ? They all had seen how the gun empted in his brothers body's.

Why ? May be because they need a closer.


Fuck closer.


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