Chapter #14# (Jimin)

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"Stay here. My brother doesn't like when anybody other then Family enters his Chamber." He said looking at the door not really to face the man who is been shadowing him for almost three days now, Jimin hated the feeling of being followed he tried to get the man of his back, keyword tried. He really is in no mood to argue with his father or this man. The ache in his heart is draining his energy the most for the most time, except today it felt like the space in his heart usually he shared it with his younger brother is silent. So now his is worried about his brothers more than ever, at least when the ache was there he had a good conscious his brothers where were they are, they are alive. But now the pain his gone and he has no idea where they are.

So yeah he is being rude, but Gods!! He has all the right to be.

Without waiting for any Reply from the man behind him, Not like he was expecting any reply, if he hadn't heard it before Jimin would have thought the Man is mute, he doesn't talk just doesn't in front of the Jimin, the man is an observant one with his Hawk eyes always tracking Jimin's movement that is the other reason he need to talk to his brother. With a determination Aura and thought Jimin walked inside Hoseok's room.

What is wasn't expecting was to collide with the solid back of Bo Gum, Taehyung's Successor and Security head. Regaining his initial shock Jimin Quickly bowed and apologized. When no reply or even acknowledgement came from the man he looked up, only then he Noticed, Bo Gum's full attention was on the desk, his Hands where fisted white and Jaw clinched the Man was angry but not at Jimin. 

Hoseok, who was standing by the windows is eyes glued to the Dark grey sky matching his mood and the Implacable suit he wore to the Ceremony still unwrinkled, Jimin always get jealous of his brothers except for his twin to look untouched and Sophisticated despite the situation, sadly the outer wearing doesn't not matches his inside turmoil. Jimin could feel it radiating in the room he is sure everyone could.

Hoseok slipped his hand casually into his pocket and asked, "You sure?"

If the Hadn't noticed the blinking red light on the desk Jimin would have thought the question was directed to him . From the Speakers Came an Familiar voice " I am Sorry, My Prince. But we are." Jae-beom informed regret and pain evident in his voice. " Not One Single clue had been found. No boats were missing in the Harbors except the One we being already informed about, My investigation lead me to a The people Fishing or parting that night same results no one had seen any strange vessel or the ship we saw on the Island. And there weren't a single scent of the Princes that casper can pick up on anywhere. I Think-" Jae-beom stopped himself with a flustered sigh.

Hoesok finally turned a frown on his face, " what is it ?"

The silence stretched, clearly whatever Jaebeom had in mind is not good theory, it is Jaebeom, he always has a theory. Unfortunately he is not the only one with theory or theories here.

The timing of the kidnapping and the execution was so perfect way to perfect for anyone likes. The Castle they blew in the middle of the ocean where they hide them temporary was three Hundred years ago owned by the same family who built it , until recently an anonyms buyer bought it and took care of the property until they or someone blew it , so that meant they had no luck on getting the name of the Owner of the Properties.

After searching every bit and corner, Small apart of Verzulian Army and the best of The Generals Hounds stayed out to and stared the search by the shores, and the other rest took the helicopters and boats to search out the ocean for any sign of unknown boat or even a scent of the Kidnapped Princes, but no sign at all.

When they stared Fearing that the Princes had been thrown overboard and left to drown in the vast expanse of the Beloved Blues, Jimin and Hoseok contact the Atlantian, the Oceans Breathers, they informed them about the Vessel it headed towards Darverlaz Territory. As they are not allowed to go into the territory itself they didn't know where the vessel headed after that.

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