Chapter #9# (Namjoon)

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Once the large door shut secured behind him. Namjoon walked, taking a sit across his Brother's desk.

"Where is he? " Yoongi asked, not looking up from his work, and Frowning on something that he didn't like. His pen jotted out the line and wrote something new.

"Sleeping, Soohyun is keeping an eye on him, drugging a person who has Drug allergies with every drug in the world medicated or not. I say it's not a good idea. Next time I just knock him out with a head injury or something "

"Uh-Huh!" Yoongi narrowed his eyes the jotted away something more on the file. Closing it shut, He passes it to Namjoon.

Namjoon took it, open it there was what to dos and don'ts of upcoming month lists. Namjoon scanned it quickly. Saving it to his memories. When he was done he slowly stood up and walked to the fireplace throwing the file in the fire letting it become ash. Turned to see yoongi standing by the window his eyes on the city's skyscrapers. "How is dad? "

Yoongi looked down he looked tired. "He is good,  mom is Angry but she will come around soon..... " the muscle that bug out of his brother's clenched hand was a different story.

Namjoon walked to the bar, scanned the drinks after his father 'accident ' he didn't trust in Any drink he talks. Lucky the drink counter is untouched. "Hyung I understand you are hurting, But we have to do what he has to do. "

Yoongi scoffed "It's not easy, A man who taught me everything take 180 turns and kills the girl. The man who taught me how to walk, how to stand, How to stay on your words,  because Damn it... Men make respect, Respect is everything. Gets backstabbed by his own son. " taking the glass of whiskey, and drank it in on gulp. "You won't understand Namjoon. You and Jungkook never had near enough time with him. "

Namjoon chuckled but had no humor in it bitterness yes he will call that a bitterness. "No, we didn't but we are glad. "

Yoongi turned, a Confused look on his face. "Why do you hate him so much? "

Namjoon gave a disbelief look to his older brother "Why don't you? Look he is our father we respect him but don't ask us to worship him. "


" We are not here for 'Confess your love for your daddy' meeting, Hyung. "

"His mind is back on track... "Yoongi was in defense.

Namjoon laughed and shook his head "He had lost his mind many years ago, Hyung. There is no coming back. " namjoon closed his eyes, Angre bubbled in his veins and there is no stopping it. A hand on his shoulder weight a lot.

His brother didn't understand and he is not going to tell the oldest, it's not his story to tell. If he and jungkook have to suffer in it they will, they will do whatever it takes to make it look like everything is hunky-dory whatever that is. His oldest brother had to give his life and time to them and they will take whatever their father had stored for them.

But if ever they see the shoe falling down,  they will do whatever to save their brother. Swallowing the pain, namjoon opened his eyes.

"One month. only, one month, Protect the Territory, make sure Dad wake up .make sure the Prince stay hidden. Which reminds me where exactly is the prince? "

Namjoon shrugged "In my chamber. Yes, I had taken some precaution. Don't worry. "

Yoongi walked over to his nearby table brought a box, hand it to Namjoon. Namjoon raised his an eyebrow. "what it is? "

Pointing towards the box yoongi said, "Extra precautions if by any chance someone gets a glimpse of the High PRince we are screwed.-"

"You don't me-"

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