Chapter #6# (Yoongi)

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The big Black door open with a force enough Yoongi sure the hinges creaked.

Peeru and sira growled but a pat on their head hushed them. But the glared they gave the king was one more plus sigh, that yoongi really been out of his game.

The vacation they had was to clear his head but it only ended up in a cyclone of emotion. Finding out the people you give your trust in wants to frame you for murder. Then you find out your father is possessed by Nanobots.

As the king's guard followed him, took a note on Yoongi as their reflex kicked in they surrounded the king and immediately pointed their guns towards where Yoongi sat.

Yoongi casually just raised an eyebrow a bored expression on his face Just casual not like fifteen guns pointing at him at all. As they realized it's their prince they easied themselves. But they stood their ground waiting for the command.

Which did came but reluctantly?

"Yoongi...?" Said the king the guard taking their place by the door but not leaving the room.

"Father.." Yoongi acknowledges I'm tossing his legs he stood up, with a figure he ordered the dogs not to follow. He straightened his suit.

"What- oh! You did this." King said anger flashing his steel silver eyes but restraining his anger. Because he can't show his anger like that Yoongi's father never gets mad on his son. The man knows it Yoongi knows it.

"Sorry, father but I had to get your attention." Yoongi walked closer to his father. who moved Toward the glass table putting his palm on the table his back to Yoongi and others.

When he turned next his eyes got huge, he was looking over Yoongi. "What is the mean of this?" It's was said in such anger was enough to hide the panic in the voice .but Yoongi spotted it. His father Never panics he is a stone heart person ever was ever will be.

The Mafia king is a Devil himself. He didn't shake in fear when his Grandmother decided its good idea to kill her grandsons. The king didn't panicked when assassins came to their house in the middle of the night. He didn't panicked when he lay there in the pool of his own blood. Ordering and shouting his generals to high up the security and 'can someone fucking check on his children vitals because he thinks they are in shock' He didn't shake when he killed his brother. Seeing his father like this is just giving Yoongi another way to look at him.

Don't judge him. He is our father, brother. Just bring him back.
Namjoons voice whispered in his mind.

Yoongi titled his head slightly to his left, he didn't need to turn to see the guards now on the ground, unconscious. The door is closed and all the other generals are now inside the room accompanied by King's general and Cheoul-Min.

"As i was saying...Dad." Yoongi stared to but he drawled the word 'dad'. He walked towards the bar as he talked he made drink for himself and his father. " I am sorry about this....."Motioning towards the guards. "But i had no other way to get you alone." He turned enough to give his father a wicked smile. "Sit down...why standing? ..Relax. We are all family here"

"Knocking out my guards are not a good way to started a relaxed conversation." The mafia king said his hand on the alarm button.

"Ah..ahh. Don't bother with the calling the Security. We don't want blood spill here to do we?" Yoongi said Causally.

Keeping the man believe he still has an upper hand. But in reality, Yoongi had already disabled the alarms. If the security did come the will shoot first and ask question later. and between the two of them, the king High rank the Prince and the knocked out guards won't do anything work in Yoongi's favor. Not like he can't fight his way out but the thing is he really doesn't want to kill innocent people who are just doing their job.

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