Confused Repoter

120 14 27

Third person pov

The lights came up on the Television it was a NewsCast Set.

Two Figure was visible one was a black woman , slim , heart shaped beautiful with a pleasant body structure in a cream Blouse and a red Suit Jacket sitting at the desk with Broad shouldered man sitting beside her wearing a Navy Blue suit with a straight face, Both had serious face , which was strange for any News casters .

The Station logo Appeared on the screen .

The Man spoke first "This is VDWord TV News at 10. I Am George Dan"

"And I Am Mary Lane, Good Morning."

The Camera focused on both the news caster, then to the

The Camera Focused on Dan as a picture of many police cars and black SUV's crowding outside Versula castle appeared over his Right shoulder,

"The Missing Report of the Royal Princes are making a Highlights of the Century, Shaking the World."

"If You just joined us , The Story is about Missing Royals of Versula , The Unfortunate event happened when the Four Royal Prince were on their secret Vacation. Where they been attacked by their own security team. We wouldn't even able to get the story if it were not for an anonymous tips."

"When we tried to talk to the Royal yesterday , all they Have to say this ."

The scenes Changed And a Black limo Came into view stopping just close to the Building , which both Prince recognize was their brothers Down town Office . Three men in full on black commando suits went running to the car covering the man about to exiting the limo,The person was in a black Combat Boots , Black Pants , Black turtle neck shirt and Black Over coat , in his right hand a black leather satchel, on his left a Rainbow colored phone that was the only thing cheerful on his body , The normal cheerful smile was nowhere to be found the sun shining eyes were covered with a black sunglasses.

"Prince Hoseok, Are the rumors true?" One of the reporter asked. But the prince just ignored and tired to follow the security team.

"Prince Seokjin and Prince Taehyung are really Missing?

"What is your next step going to be ? Is Project ECONEC Going to stop now Prince Taehyung is missing ?"

The Prince Just kept walking towards the main gates. Until.

"Now the high Prince Missing are You going to take the Throne?"

Hoseok didn't stop but his shoulder did get little stiffened, Nobody would have noticed it but the bothers did , and they know exactly why ? This is how the rumors going to start , first it is going to be normal but them people going to analyze things that weren't not even their , Slowly some one would come up with an absurd theory . Then they going to start to blame the survivor .

In this case People are going to Assume that they were the once who must have started the mutiny .and killed the high prince and the Prince.

Is this was their Kidnappers End Game was ?? this should not happen . if this type of rumor start to Catch fire the kingdom would shook from the core and tremble .

Taking their eyes off the tv Both prince looked at the capturer. Who was instead of watching the show was watching the both prince. Noting their reaction towards the news.

Seokjin was about to say something to the leader when , something more important got his attention back on the Tv.

"Prince, Can you confirm that it was your security team Guarding the Cruise also who Attacked Your Brothers?".

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