Last minute Decision

212 14 21

*"idol" finally came out as I was so done. Also I want you to play the music. You will know when. *


Taking a breath in an out .He need to calm down before he kill someone .He  chuckled and bit down the corner of his down lips . 'where in the hell is his knife ?' .shuffling in his duffel bag again .He does remember putting it in the bag he doesn't go anywhere without it .he gave up and threw his bag back in the monster truck .And closed the trunk with pure hatred .

Jk turned and watched the open sea .They are waiting for the coordinates in an abandon harbor few miles away from where the yacht been docked forharbor. Pressing his lips tight tongue to the cheek .let out a sigh for thesoul they are preparing to take .whatthe hell he didn't care either way .

Remember , Respect is everything . God help the poor bastard who is going to die with his hand .because he hate to make mess of things .but he had to because they had to make it look it was all happend in angre so this is going be a mess .that means lots of blood .

The sound was loud enough to catch the attention of his brothers .Both his Big brother where preparing the boat they need a safe route to get in the big ass yacht , both looked towards the direction where the truck been parked .Namjoon frowned a little and was about to see what is going on with his younger brother but the hand on his shoulder stopped him .

"Let me ." Yoongi said in a voice Namjoon knew better to defy "Beside I you need to do your computering stuff ."making a disgusting face towards the Namjoon's leather bag .to which namjoon smiled and nodded in agreement they really need to check the last minutes update ,lets rephrase that 'important updates like photo's of the victim .

They never go half cocked like this before .god, knows what was his dad being thinking assigning them this last minute kill . " May be he is getting the same vibe about this mission too." Namjoon said, to which yoongi shook his head.

"Yeah , I think that too." And moved away letting namjoon to do the rest of the work . After some step he stood there and watch he younger brother who was back again shuffling into the bag .

On the other hand jungkook was losing his mind over not finding his knife .Man, what the hell ?

He didn't noticed the exchange of his bother or the contain stare of his brother . Seriously !! what a messy day he is having .First, He doesn't get this much out of place when they get ready for a mission , there is no place for emotion when you are the 'Silent-Reaper' . Jungkook chuckled at the ridicules nick name of his given by the people .Second ,he can't able to find his knife .Third , For crying out it was their vacation time 'what yes mafia do vacation too and if you don't then you are not the mafia of Bhurano' and at the top of that, he doesn't why are 'they' here on a rookie job .

okay! Okay! , Not a rookie job when it come to kill and frame any royal .but still , or why they all had to go when only one of them could do this job. What was his father thinking ?

"I blame the old age !"jungkook muttered under his breath .Holding his 9mm up and checking for the magazine letting it out and insert it back in the gun shaking his head again "poor guy."

"whom are you talking too ?" yoongi said from behind jk. who turned and point the gun at his older brother's forehead . that was jerk reaction .the thing is that jungkook didn't even noticed his glaze or presence behind him that is enough to show how out of the mind he is right now .

jk didn't noticed he been watched or rather been stared at for so long by yoongi . but then again it was Yoongi the 'silent death' and he is the master of it . same goes to Namjoon as well , there is no technology in world that man can't hack .now if you thing yoongi is only the brawl and namjoon is only the nerd well think again .Both man are master in any weapon you name it .Any tactic or any hand to hand fight and they are resourceful as they come .

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