Getting ready for the Action

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Third person
*Back in the island where the mafia prince just hang up the phone.*

Yoongi turned into his seat facing is brothers. With a smile on his face. "How was it.? " he asked .

Both his younger brother looked towards him away from the various computer screens they had infront of them.

Facing their older brother, Namjoon said. "I am pretty sure. The Royals are not going to sit back and cry. In the conor, there is no way the won't try to find our location brother. "

"Agreed..!" Jungkook said. "I can bet my knife on it. The prince was playing the dumb and scare... I have my profile on him. He is a smart one.i give you four hours they sure will find us. "

Yoongi gave a smile. He already knows everything his brothers are stating. It's was a news to him. That's why he already planned ahead.

Everyone knows Royal are the powerful family in the world. Aside from his family. So he had to plan seriously , for the safety of his family and the safety of the royal family.

He had to vanish them. It's going to create a big dent in the world but he had to do it. Believe it or not someone is after Royals and he want to save them.

So to save them he had to take precautions. Very careful.

Yoongi didn't appreciated not knowing things so he research with the help of his brothers.

Someone is playing a big game using the powerful families in the world against each other. Using him and other as a chess board pawns.

He dig in the graves but could able to find much. He had to be on lands on his territory to find more.

But to go home he had to clean this mess. To clean he had to kill the most important people in the world. Which is another headache.

Looking at his brothers in there tried eyes. They haven't slept for two days. Well you always have to give up something to gain don't you and its better to be a bad person around all to do good. That's how their world works.

"So , are we ready? "

"Yes..! " said the younger brothers in unison.

"Hyung, why can't we just tell the other two prince . About what we are planning on and our suspicion about. I am sure they will understand and help us. " Xiumin said.

"we can't. " was the all answer the is going to get form the leader.

There is no telling what information the princes had, and what kind of planning the other party had to hire them and kill the heir of the thrones.

It's better they think of them as bad guys.

Plan is simple keep the prince hostage, until they find out who is playing tricks with them. But until then, they had to make sure the world think of the prince as they are dead.

Sure can back fire on them. But Yoongi had trust in himself and his brothers. They won't do anything out of line.

But with jungkook he had to make sure of it. He could be hard head if he want something he can't get.

Okay then let's get back to work. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

"You two" pointing towards his men yoongi said " set the Charges.we don't have much time anyways and you two go check on the princes. " pointing towards his brothers.." he stopped and pointed towards his younger brother. "Jungkook you check on Prince Seokjin..."

Jungkook huffed. Namjoon looked irritated. What were obsession this two have over the prince Yoongi won't allow it.

First it's a crime to be gay in mafia, second they are the next leaders of their territory and falling for prince's the Royals no less is a taboo.

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