Alive and kicking

139 12 14

Taehyung (PoV)

I woke up with a really bad headache .No, screech that it felt like my head is about to explode .

with an "ah-" I tried to move my hand to touch my punishing head and noticed many thing simultaneously : first I am tied to something or defiantly my hands are. whatever it is its cold .second the wind is blowing really fast and the salt water splashing on my face i am moving in a speed boat? But why ? third I am not alone . even as dazed out I am can tell I am lying in between two solid bodies .

I tried again to open my eyes and ofcourse couldn't see anything at all because of the dark . but thanks the gods for the moonlight was enough to make out the face structure I am facing right now and the perfume he wore was to familiar its my brother . I shook him once and twice but he didn't even stirred

he must be really tiered . I thought to myself . and why wouldn't he ? he did everything to make our birthday special seokjin deserves a rest.

A smile came up on my face but soon followed by the memories of earlier making my body cold . "hyung!!" I stared to shake my brothers lifeless body "hy-yung!! " my voice pitched and tears stared to flow uncontrollable "hy_uN_G!!!! wake upp ...oh brother ple-se" speaking is getting harder by the second . "NO_o" I screamed as two hand got wrapped around me separating from my brother's warmth .i trashed hard tried to head bud the man behind me . he is not taking me away from my brother this time .i bucked and kicked in the air . "NOO...LET ME GO !!!!!!!" I Screamed bloody .

"Cant hold him need .help!!" finally the man said .

"just hold him we are almost there" my head wiped to the man steering the boat .

"I can-cant !!" the man holding me said .i almost got myself loss

Suddenly something punchers my skin making me cry out .immediately my body went numb but not my mind I still heard them talking .

"How in the hell he able to wake up like that ?" someone was asking very loudly

"he is not the only one ?" someone answered. "quickly 10mm . before he wakes up ." as I felt movement on my left side where my brother was lying

"shit!!" cursed .

Movement around me and then "Done"

"how they are able to do that I don't know ? boss's didn't tell a thing .you know how they are right .plus make sure boss Yoongi didn't wake or we are death before we reach the island."

Bosses ? yoongi ? island ? .......what in heaven is going on ?

"never in my life I thought the day would come that I be sedating Yoongi no less....DONE!!!" footsteps moved away . "owww!!!"

"what is it ?" the other voice asked but the drawl suggested that he careless if anything were to happen to the guy .

"nothing !!" the footsteps came back near where I was lying I felt him kneeling next to me next thing I know I was been punched over my left cheek , woah there buddy what the hell beating a man who is half death already .

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ?" someone yelled "its bosses goods he would kill usif something were to happen have you lost it"

What ?!?! my mind screamed , I am no freaking good to any-who the heaven is this boss.

"relax !!antonio . how in hell boss know that I punched him and even if he knows we can tell he fell !!! silence then "oh! Man this guy can bruise like motherfucker . this guys are paler then the royals"

A kick on my rib "speaking of which this guys do look like the royal ??? don't you think"


So this guys don't know who me ad my brother is , maybe because of the dark . wait .... Then how the ass saw the bruise over my face . well thank goodness I been sedate or it would have felt like bad really bad .

The guys stared talking at some other topic which did made me sleep eventually . seriously what a poor life of a mafia or thugs are ....i feel for them truly


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