Kakashi's sister

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Snow fell from the clear blue sky adding to the thin layer of snow that already blanketed the landscape of a little girls home. The beautiful rock waterfall, now partially iced over allowed only small rivers of water to leak through the solid ice into the frozen pool below. A sudden gust of wind picked up the snow and made the small child shiver.

"Mommy? Why do I have two different eyes?" The silverette girl asked her Mom. Her large childlike eyes widened with curiosity.

"Because whoever is watching over us wants you to be strong. Both me and your Daddy are very proud" the mother spoke softly to the child. Her long black tresses pooled around the two of them on the ground adding a breathtaking contrast to the snow. The white flakes almost looked like they were glowing.

"Where is daddy?" The girl asked with a small pout on her face. It's been so long since she's seen him.

"He's not here right now sweetie. He had to leave to protect us. Now come here" The beautiful woman playfully jumped on the child, tickling her. As both of their laughter died down they both rolled over and looked up at the grey sky.

I wonder what that boy is doing right now?

A figure shot up. Their breaths came out in fast pants. It was as if the breath was being pulled out of her lungs just as she inhales. A black gloved hand reached up to the clothing that covered her chest, right over her heart. She concentrated on her breathing in order to slow it down until it was back to it's usual rhythm.

The hand that she settled on her chest was now reaching up towards her face to adjust her black, sweat dampened veil. The sheer fabric disguised her feature, only revealing a sliver of her forehead. The female collected herself and draped her floor length, thick, black cloak over her shoulders before pushing her arms through the sleeves. Then, she grabbed her small bag and hung it over her shoulder. She then walked through the forest a little to the main road and followed it to her next, and hopefully last destination; The village hidden in the leaves. 

The morning quickly slipped away from the girl. It was a little after noon by the time she made it to the gates of the village. Two guards stood in front of the large green doors. Before they even had a chance to call out to her and ask her what business she had in the village,  she had already walked through the gates. It happed so fast the guards didn't even notice her move until they heard the loud thud of the doors closing behind them. 

The mysterious woman jumped from rooftop to rooftop until she made it to the tallest building in the village, which she assumed to be the Hokage's tower. Upon finding an open window, she jumped into the empty room. It looked like some kind of lounge area with some paintings, couches, and a tea set. It was most likely where the Hokage entertains important guests. That would mean their office was right next door. She left the room and went to the one next door before knocking with three fast raps. 

"Enter" A deep and demanding voice shouted from the other side of the door. It muffled her voice making it sound like a low murmur instead. Now that she  had permission, the woman opened the door and stepped into the room. Her feet stopped only a couple steps away from the Hokage's desk.

"Who might you be?" The blonde woman asked. Her piercing brown eyes bore into the figure, but there was no way she could size them up when they are wearing a large cloak that covered all of their features and then a black veil covering their face. The only thing Tsunade learned from the figure's appearance was the pale color of their skin. 

"My name is Chikako. I'm looking for someone" Came their curt answer. Based on the sound of their voice, this 'Chikako' person was female. The lack of last name piqued Tsunade's interest, however what stuck out to her the most was the monotone and dead sound of the woman's voice. It lacked any type of emotion whatsoever. 

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