Kakashi's sister

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As day turned into night Chikako's feet slowed to a stop. Everywhere she looked there was white. A layer of snow blanketed everything as far as the eye could see. The trees barren of their leaves had clumps of powder upon them just the same as those who bloomed beautifully even through the wintry weather. The white pedals caught the falling snow like fairy dust causing the flowers to open, revealing the deep red and cherry pink color on the inside.

In front of her stood a large house. In the front of the house there was an outer corridor that wrapped around the front of the house, like a front porch, but every few feet there were wooden pillars with shoji to shield whoever was on the engawa from prying eyes. However, the paper was not there, leaving it completely open. A chabodai and a few pillows were strewn about on the floor as if a storm had swept through. The roof on the roof was a dim green color, but it was hardly noticeable because of the snow covering it.

Chikako slid the old Japanese styled door open and stepped into her home. Her mother raised her in this house. Her mother died in the house.

When she opened the door, she looked left and right down two different halls. To the left was a long hall with six rooms, three on each side, and down the right hall was an open living room area. Chikako placed her fingertips on the dusty fusuma walls, and she tuned left into the hallway. Her hand soon found the first room on the left side of the hall. Her hand lifted from the wall. She rubbed the dust between her fingers with a sorrowfully expression before placing her hand in the little indent in the sliding door so she could open it.

The door creaked as Chikako opened it. Behind the door was a bathroom that was all too familiar. On the wall across from the door there were a pair of shower heads with a drain in the middle of each floor area. Further into the bathroom, to the right side sat a large wooden bathtub. A window sat above it, providing natural light to the space.

"Mommy! Mommy! Let's do the thing!" Little Chikako cheered. Her pale Mom laughed and nodded her head. They both put on warm jackets and gloves before going outside and collecting a bunch of snow in a few buckets. The two of them dumped the snow in the tub and played in it as it melted.

Once dusk rolled around, the two females raced out of the house to light the fire to warm the water. Each of them had piles of wood to make their own.

"I'm gonna' win Mom!" The little girl sang as she lit her fire. A few seconds later both stacks of wood were lit up. The woman's long black hair trailed behind her on the ground. Her arms were crossed, and she was pouting.

"I won" She argued. The little girl mimicked her mom and crossed her own arms.

"No, I won!" The two of them went back and forth a few times before the little girl just sighed and let her mom say she won.

The little girl held her Mom's hand as they walked back into the house and went back inside the bathroom together. As they took a bath, the older woman giggled as she washed her daughters silver hair from behind her.

Chikako shook her head lightly, willing the fond memory away for now, and shut the door before moving down the hall to the next room. She did not open it because it was simply a toilet and sink. Instead, she continued to the last door on the left side of the hall. The kitchen.

There was a small wooden island in the middle of the room and counters ran across all three walls with all kinds of storage above and below it as well as the stove and oven. Cabinets, drawers, shelves; they were all filled with appliances. There were still clean dishes sitting in the drying rack that were now collecting dust, much like the rest of the house. Chikako could see her mother swaying to her own singing in her long kimonos while she was cooked as if it were happening right in front of her at that very moment.

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