New Relationships

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Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru, Hinata, Sakura, Gaara, Neji, and Lee all ran through the woods. They had no idea where to go, but luck was in their side. They came upon three dead bodies. They were obviously Orochimaru's followers. Sasuke and Naruto had seen them before, so they easily identified them. Shikamaru inspected them looking for anything that could help them. It was a brutal scene, but they needed anything they could. Running in a random direction wasn't going to help anyone.

"There's nothing from what I can see. She just killed them in one go. Such a drag" Shikamaru told the others. He complained like usual, but on the inside he was freaking out just as much as the others. The two of them got along pretty well for not being in the same team. For cloud watching and eating, Shikamaru wasn't alone anymore. He enjoyed his solitude, but having someone there silently next to him was more comforting than he thought it would be. 

Sand began to crawl back into Gaara's gourd. Everyone looked towards him expecting some helpful information.

"I couldn't find her, but I believe I picked up a trace of her chakra. She has a large amount of reserves" Gaara told everyone else. The red head was very familiar with her chakra. He pointed towards the chakra signal and they immediately sprinted in that direction.

They stopped at the border of the fire country. A large amount of chakra hit then like a wave. All of them looked around worriedly.

"That's her" Gaara said. A small amount of worry was evident in his normally cold voice. They picked their speed and ran towards the chakra source as fast as they could.

"What are we going to do when we get there? We don't even if Orochimaru is there" Sakura pointed out. Hinata agreed with the other female. 

"He's there. I know he is" Sasuke spoke. Naruto and Shikamaru exchanged glances, as did Neji and Lee. They had no proof, but Sasuke seemed so sure, and they had nothing else to go on at the moment. 

"Let's just charge right in! Easy!" Naruto suggested. 

"That might just be our only option right now" Neji pointed out. 

Chikako discarded her cloak and laid down on the table. Kabuto entered the room just as her face was being covered by some kind of cloth. He grimaced and attached all of the cords to Chikako's head before stepping back. Orochimaru came forward replacing Kabuto as he put his hands on the sides of her head and the torture began.

A loud scream ripped though Chikako's throat. She felt like her body was on fire. Each cell being ripped and burned until there was nothing left. Her body jolted and shook as the switch began. Her voice ripped out of her throat unconsciously and her scream echoed through the room. She clenched her teeth and began huffing as she squeeze her eyes shut. Tears began gathering in her eyes and they pored down her face. 

Suddenly Orochimaru's hands slipped from her head. A loud noise was heard from somewhere else in the underground hideout.

"Kabuto. Deal with them" Orochimaru ordered. He lifted his hands back to Chikako's head again as the pain seemed to double. Another scream ripped out of her throat. She screamed until she had nothing left. Her mouth was open, but no sound came out. Her voice was completely gone and her throat bled. Her conscience was fading slowly .

Dark. It's so dark. And cold.

Chikako struggled to open her eyes, but she made her body obey her. Everything was black and empty. Her whole body was is so much pain; She wanted to just lay there forever, but something was calling her.

"Chikako!" A hoarse voice called. She made herself sit and then stand. Looking around Chikako saw a mirror. She walked up to it and saw her reflection.  Her fingertips met the cold mirror. It's been so long since she's seen herself. Eyes cut up and scarred, both black and pink were sorely devoid of the spark they held as a child. Thick bags accompanied by her line of a mouth making her look older than she was. Her already pale face was grey as she remembered the pain spreading throughout her body. 

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