Teacher and Akasuki

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Chikako easily climbed up the deadly mountain, while the other five struggled to climb up the rocky side. Along with Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi, Neji ended up joining the group. As team seven made their way towards the mountain they encountered team Guy. After speaking to one another for a little bit, they parted ways. Neji ended up just silently following behind them. No one said anything. They might need the extra help. After all, Chikako is the only one who knows where they were going. 

So now, here they were climbing up death mountain. Chikako made swift, concise movements. Every rock she grabbed onto fell, but as it fell from the mountain Chikako used her strength to boost herself up. Naruto however wasn't so lucky. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were tied together. Naruto fell so many times Sasuke decided to lead.

Neji and Kakashi were neck and neck as they climbed the mountain. They stayed close to each other and helped one another climb. This made them climb pretty quickly,

Chikako looked down and sighed.  The three of them were so far behind. She stopped when she found at a small ledge. With only a singular hand sign and a small flick of her hand a large clumps of rocks formed and swept them up to where she was.  They all freaked out. Even Neji was mildly surprised, but they were fine once they were a bit above her. Chikako continued to climb the mountain until she met up with they boys and Sakura.

"One more mile then we will be there" Chikako continued to climb and the other followed. She nodded at them to make sure everyone was still doing fine. They all looked pretty tired.

Chikako looked down and sighed again. Her teacher told her to never use her chakra to climb the mountain because only those who were worthy could reach her. But they would all fall soon and she was the only one who needed help.

"Ice release: Fifth configuration, levitation glacier" a thin sheet of ice appeared in front Chikako's face. She sent the ice down to the others.

"Climb on" relief flooded the group as they helped each other climb on. Chikako raised the ice to her lever before jumping on it was well. The ice maneuvered to Chikako's command until they made it to and arch at the top of the mountain. Once everyone was on solid ground again, the ice shatters into little pieces as if it was never there in the first place.

"Keep walking straight. I'll be close behind" with that Chikako concealed her Chakra and hid in a tree. She followed the group as they walked down the stone path. Little piles of snow were everywhere. It was the top of the mountain.

A small flash of light was seen in he corner of Naruto's eye and he jumped back. Or tried to. A hand on his back and a knife to his throat stopped them.

"Who are you?" A deep female voice demeaned.

"We followed-" Naruto's sentence was cut off as a loud clatter rang through the air.

"You fail at completely concealing your chakra even with these fools walking around. Your aim was good, but off a centimeter. I could have survived that attack easily. Your movements were slow and sloppy. And I remember telling you repeatedly that you are forbidden to use your chakra to get up the mountain. Only those who can climb up this mountain with their bare hands are worthy to get up here. I'm no mere human idiot!"

"Teacher." Team seven and Neji looked extremely confused as Chikako bowed to this small angry woman.

The woman was quite short with long red hair. It was choppy in a few places, but overall neat making her green eyes shine all the more. She wore a tight blue long sleeved shirt that was cut just above her breasts. To cover her chest was a plain black top that was just the right length to be covered by her large teal belt with a light green pattern. Under the belt she had on blue shorts that patched her top  with green lining on the sides and bottom. 

"Shiro-sensei, they followed me here. They don't need to be worthy because they don't need to be taught." Naruto and Sasuke seemed bothered by this. Kakashi scratched the back of his head.

"I'm gonna climb this mountain in... how long will we be here Chikako?"

"Four months" Chikako added

"I'm gonna climb this mountain in four months. Wait. FOUR MONTHS?!" Naruto yelled.

"You didn't ask where I was going, then you complain. You don't ask how long we're staying, then you complain when you find out. How childish." Chikako sighed. Shiro looked back and forth between the two.

"You sure are talkative Chikako. Stop it." Chikako turned to face her sensei and bowed her head in acknowledgment.

"Isn't it good though? When she was here you told her not to talk, yet after she leaves you complain about her not coming often enough and how she doesn't talk to you." A kind voice called from around them.

"Kuro-sensei" Chikako bowed her head in greeting... to a tree. Everyone thought she was crazy. Maybe they were, but she was bowing to a tree.

"Uh Chikako I know you're this all powerful ninja but that's a tree" Shiro smacked the back of Naruto's head.

"She is not all powerful. She is a weakling who can't overcome simple things" Shiro yelled.

"No!" A loud voice surprised them. Neji has his hands balled up at the sides of his body and his hair was darkening his eyes.

"If she is weak, then we are nothing more than filth. I refuse to believe that" Neji raised his head up and glared at Shiro. 

"Listen here you piece of shit. This girl is weaker than a village child. That fact that someone else's strength measure your own means you're just as weak" Shiro hissed while walking closer to Neji until she was in his face.

Neji bowed his head slightly in respect. Good. He would've made a huge mistake.

"You four can stay in the house with us. Chikako go to the old room" Chikako nodded and everyone was still confused at the random voice coming out of nowhere. Shiro scowled and signaled them to follow her.

It was odd how frightening she was. She's a child. Kakashi involuntarily shivered.

"I must speak to both of you. It's urgent business" Chikako called out. Another, taller figure stepped out from a tree.

He had sandy blond hair that was cut short, but longer on one side. His eyes matched Shiro's as well as her skin tone. He was almost completely covered in black clothing. He wore a white hiori with a few blue arches at the bottom as designs. It only hung over one side leaving the other to dangle in the back. On the mans waist were blue, white, and light brown fabrics all crossed together haphazardly, but tightly enough to stay on his body. He was also as tall as a tree.

"Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of everyone" Shiro announced. Chikako scowled.

"It's not the time for this" Chikako argued.

"Say what you need to say." Shiro called out in a cold stiff voice.

"I released my Amanozako"

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