Kakashi's sister

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"We won't let you take Sasuke!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke lay unconscious to the side. Sakura was fussing over him while Naruto fought the snake bastard. Most of the jōnin were fighting off the sound ninja in one on one battles.

Chikako ran into the battle, but stopped. Orochimaru knows who she is. She couldn't risk her identity. Instead, she helped the jōnin fight off the other sound ninja.  Before coming to the leaf village she spent some time in the sound village. Pouring over book after book, Chikako studied their jutsus until she felt like there was nothing she could learn there.

A small group of six or seven sound shinobi ganged up on her, but by using their jutsu's against them with a small mix of taijutsu she easily beat them before moving on to the next. The others seemed to be having trouble dealing with the foreign ninja. Eventually she found Kakashi. He was fighting against Orochimaru's four body guards. The red head was about to plunge a kunai straight into Kakashi's heart.

Time seemed to freeze. Chikako's heart dropped, and her feet moved her towards Kakashi as fast as they could. Her speed was something to behold, but that was the last thing on anyone's mind as they protected the village. Blood splattered as the knife ripped through the skin and was pulled out haphazardly. Chikako's eyes widened as she screamed. It was such an unfamiliar sound that the ninja in the surrounding area who could spare a glance looked at her.

A kunai was jammed into her back. It ripped through her cloak and shirt cleanly. The large tear left a large open wound on her back. In another movement, she stabbed the knife into her again creating a large gash that ran down her back cutting through the seal that was on it. 

Her mother put it there when she was a child and it was slightly damaged before, but someone helped her fix it. It was called the Kusarisumi seal. It was a seal to block her immense amount of chakra. Chikako used one of her own gentle fist techniques to get Kakashi out of the spider web binding made by one of the other bodyguards with the last chunk of stable chakra she had left.

The chakra pouring from her body took a physical form in a white color and it thrashed around as it grew like a fire. It continued to grow and climb higher to the sky as it raged. Her white colored chakra seemed to be infinite. Slowly black tendrils corrupted the white and her chakra became a murky grey color. An explosion of chakra was added to her already ginormous amount and it whipped and lashed out around Chikako, creating large crators in the ground.

"G-get Jiraiya" Chikako choked to Kakashi in a pained hush as she collapsed. The silver haired man just stood there in complete shock at what just happened.

Orochimaru felt the overwhelming amount of chakra in the air. It distracted him long enough to be was hurt by Naruto. Kabuto called for a retreat and the four guards as well as the sound ninja who were still standing rushed back into the woods. Kakashi ran to his student after the shock wore off and looked at her back. It was a miracle she was still consious.

"Hatake. I'm y-your" Chikako coughed and Kakashi cut her off. His eyes trailed all over her body in a panicked speed. 

"Don't talk" he said sternly. It came out as a shout unintentionally. He felt bad for raising his voice at her when she was hurt, but apologizing wasn't really his first priority at the moment.

Chikako's short silver hair was sprawled around her head. Her hood was cut off when she took that attack for him, and veil was slipping off her face. He could see blood dripping from her lips and part of her sharingan eye. Kakashi yelled for the Hokage and he re-covered her face. He didn't miss the horde of scars that were littered around her eyes.

Lady Tsunade was in the hospital treating the other shinobi when Kakashi arrived carrying Chikako. Blood poured out of her back making a puddle under them every time Kakashi rested for even a second. Shizune gasped at the terrible state she was in and lead Kakashi to a room. He laid Chikako on her stomach while Shizune ran to get Lady Tsunade. It didn't take long for her to appear.

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