New Relationships

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When team seven returned they were greeted with a festival-like party in honor of Chikako coming back home. The townspeople set up a bunch of small games and food stalls for the ninja and kids to enjoy. It was all very heartwarming, but the second Chikako heard that it was Tsunade's suggestion to have this small celebration she knew it was just the older woman's excuse to drink herself silly. Although she does that whenever she feels like it, so Chikako didn't quite understand why she needed an excuse. 

Chikako had a lot of fun that day. The students from the school all hugged her and welcomed her back followed by them asking her to win games for them and showing them 'some cool ninja moves'. After awhile their parents came and collected their children and Chikako was left so spend time with her fellow ninja. She played a few games of shoji with Shikamaru before he gave in exclaiming that he used his brain to much. After that, Choji challenged her to an eating contest. Before it started the girls dragged Chikako away to do her hair in a cute up-do as they hyped her up. Ino and Hinata were very good at styling hair while Sakura kind of just stood off to the side talking smack. Chikako just sat there quietly listening to Sakura's words and watched her her fists fought an imaginary opponent. Surprisingly Chikako won, although she was sneaking most of it to her goat summons. They really will eat anything. Towards the very end, Tsunade snuck some saké into Chikako's drink when Shizune wasn't looking.  They found out that she was quite a lightweight and began getting tired after only two cups. All in all, the night was quite eventful. 

Instead of going back to their houses, some of the shinobi gathered at the Hokage's tower to drink, eat, and talk a bit longer until everyone passed out. Each one of them were laying on the ground of the Hokage tower with the exception of Tsunade herself, who was on the couch.  Chikako was the only one left awake now. Taking a look around, she sighed at the sight of everyone passed out in odd positions, wondering how someone could fall asleep like that. A small smiled graced her features for a moment before it fell again. A warm feeling swelled in her chest and she was thinking that she might be getting sick. 

Shaking the idea away, Chikako walked around the tower picking up bottles and other things that need to be disposed of. When she was done making sure the tower was clean, she laid a blanket over everyone and slid a pillow below their heads to try and make them more comfortable. They are all used to sleeping on the ground from missions, but they shouldn't have to when they are home. 

After giving almost everyone a pillow, Chikako made her way to the last person. Sasuke was a quiet sleeper. He didn't move around much or make any noise. Chikako brushed a strand of stray hair from his cheek and tucked it back behind his ear. Her hand brushed his cheek when she laid down his blanket and the boy nuzzled into her cheek. Chikako left her hand there for a moment before pulling it away so she could go to bed herself. 

Sasuke was really there for her the last few days at her old home. He understood her preference to keep quite, but never let her eat alone. He tried his best to keep her comfortable and around someone as much as he could.  Being around Sasuke was calming. He never expected anything from her and vice versa. Those moments, she found, are the most peaceful and most of the time only happen at night. 

A small whine-like groan snapped Chikako from her thoughts.  It had come from Sasuke. His twisted expression made her think that he was having a bad dream. Moving the pillow out of the way, she placed his head on her lap instead. Her arms hesitantly rose from her sides and settled around his shoulders. As her eyelids began feeling heavy she rested her chin on his head; Holding him in an almost protective manner. Her body rocked gently from side to side as she watched his expression relax and his body loosen up. She allowed her eyes to close for a moment. 

Someone jumped through the window catching Chikako's attention, and causing her eyes to snap open. The girl slipped Sasuke's head back onto his pillow and she shimmied out of her position. Her body was turned to face the mysterious person so she could address them.

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