Teacher and Akatsuki

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"You. Did. What?" Shiro yelled. She was red at the face and was physically shaking.

"What a Amaterasu?" Naruto asked. Chikako glanced back at Naruto but otherwise made no move.


"You did the only thing I told you never to do. You know that thing takes your life as payment!" Chikako left her head fly to the side. Her cheek stung, but it's nothing compared to what she's dealt with before.

"As punishment you will be stuck in lightning torture for a week with no food or water. After that you are to repent under Jun waterfall." Kuro seemed nervous as Shiro spoke.

"Isn't that a bit much?" He asked in a weak voice. Shiro glared at him and he nodded his head solemnly.

"Lead them to the house. I shall change and begin immediately." Chikako swiftly walked past the group and disappeared into the rocks.

"You are not going to be taught. Kuro, show then to their rooms. I'm going to begin the lightning" Kuro nodded and Shiro walked away.

"Follow me. I'll show you where you'll be staying" Kuro flashed the group a kind smile and began to walk in the same direction Chikako and Shiro did.

They were lead to a large house with many rooms in it. Each one chose a room and then gathered in the kitchen with Kuro.

Chikako walked up to the rocks and put her arms out on the arm holders. She stood up with two rocks supporting her arms. Shiro came only seconds later and chained Chikako's hands out.

"50 strikes per day" Shiro offhandedly said. Chikako nodded.

Shiro collected lightning chakra in her hand from a storm nearby and molded it into a lightning bolt.

Again and again blades of light struck Chikako. After hours it was finally over. Chikako's white hakama and black juban kimono was shredded and bloodied. The manacles unlocked themselves and Chikako's arms fell limp to her sides. Shiro turned away but stopped.

"This is hardly close to the consequences that your Amaterasu have on our life and body" Shiro said coolly. Chikako didn't make any noise as Shiro walked off.

Chikako walked in the opposite direction until she reached a waterfall. It was frigid even though she was meters away from it. Chikako took a deep breath and took her juban kimono off revealing her chest binding. She sat down and crossed her legs and put her hands out in a circle in front of her.

Day turned to night and night to dawn. Day after day it was freezing water, lightning, freezing water. After the seven days of lightning torture passed, and she was only repenting under the Jun waterfall, everyone but Shiro would bring Chikako food. She didn't move a muscle for the whole month.

Neji would sit next to Chikako in the water for a few hours after dropping off food and meditate beside her for some discipline training. Naruto and Sakura would talk while Chikako sat there silently. Kakashi would simply stare at his sister in boredom and Kuro would hold his arms out in a circle and bow to her before he returned to the cottage.

Even with everyone bringing food, Chikako rarely ate and was becoming visibly skinnier.

"No one is telling me! What is Amaterasu? What happened that day? How do you have a Susanoo?" This is what Sasuke would do. Ask questions and then leave when he got no answers. It was Chikako's last day to repent.

"It's is the sibling of what the Uchiha call Susanoo. As Susanoo is the god of storms; Amaterasu is the Goddess of the sun. They are siblings. There is another: Tsukuyomi the god of the moon. That is the Sharingans dojutsu. As the second and only living female with the sharingan, I have many skills even I have no knowledge of" Chikako spoke calmly and she opened her eyes for the first time in a month.

A flash of silver flashed across Sasuke's face and he jumped back. But he was too slow. Chikako  stayed perfectly still however. Using her chakra to stop the kunai mid air. Grey chakra whirled around it like a energy shield. Her once white chakra was not slightly grey.

"It's started. Your power is tainted" Chikako held her hand out and the kunai floated closer to her hand. She gently lifted her fingers and the kunai was hurled at a god like speed away from her body.

Sasuke was still utterly confused which, if you couldn't tell, makes him angry.

"What is going on?" He yelled. Kuro stepped out from behind Sasuke's shadow.

"You have forgotten your training. However, I see you've connected to the Earths chakra. What else did you learn? Tell me. What can you do now?" Chikako nodded and bowed, put her forehead just above the ground.

"Wind, light, Earth, rock, water, fire, and lightning chakra. My specialty is wind Justus. I also have a few summons. The thirteen tailed beast is now cooperative, but his sister is hard to control" Kuroitora walked out from wherever he was and pads over to Kuro.

"Medical jutsu, pressure points, reanimation jutsu, and a few more sealing jutsus." Chikako finished. Kuro scowled. This was too much power for one person. Having that much power has consequences.

"What are the drawbacks?" Chikako took a deep breath and lifted her head. She looked between Shiro, Kuro and Sasuke. She lingered longest on Sasuke. He knew she wanted him to leave, but he would not back down. Chikako sighed and looked back at Kuro.

"If I don't use a certain amount of chakra it can effect my brain. There are a few jutsus that are hard to control. I prefer to just use wind. Like I said earlier, I used my Amaterasu. More than once." Chikako told them. Sasuke's eyes were wide and his face was almost pure white.

"Y-you. I can't believe that" Sasuke stumbled and fell on his butt.

"Go back Sasuke." Chikako walked over to him and pressed a pressure point on his forehead. It would make him forget the last few minutes.

"What am I doing here?" Sasuke asked, confused.

"You were just taking my plate back to the house" Chikako stood up and handed Sasuke the empty plate. She then faced her two teachers.

"I will be going back to change and clean my wounds. Let's all head back" Chikako walked ahead with Sasuke followed her. Shiro and Kuro exchanges worried looks.

This was bad.

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