Kakashi's sister

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Chikako ran into the forest immediately drawing the attention of two of the enemies. Naruto yelled for her to come back, but Chikako wasn't listening. She had spent almost her whole life alone. There was no doubt in her mind that she could beat two rouge ninja by herself. Besides she hasn't had a chance to release a lot of chakra and it's been making Chikako a bit stir crazy.

Pulling kunai out of her pocket, she threw one at each of their feet.  It was sufficient enough to stop both of them in their tracks, with them falling to the ground. Stepping down from the tree she was in, she gathered chakra in her hand. It wouldn't be convenient to kill them, but she was itching to use her chakra. Using the same skill from the day before, but abundantly more power. The large ball of thrashing wind was thrown from her hand and crashed into the ground between the two men. The impact was enough to knock them unconscious.

A sign left Chikako's lips as she felt a small fraction of her chakra lift from from her shoulders. It wasn't much, but it still made her feel lighter. Chikako grabbed both men by their collars and dragged them on the ground back to where her group was. She didn't realize just how far she went as she walked back out. 'I need to be more aware of my speed' Chikako thought to herself.

A decision was reached internally that it would be suspicious if she didn't have any injuries from fighting when she released a good amount of chakra. From a pocket of one of the unconscious ninja she pulled a blade and cut across her shoulder and leg. It did hurt a bit, but she needed some battle wounds and they weren't that deep. 

When Chikako stepped out of the forest and saw her team she was met with the sight of the three ninja tied together. Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi stood around them talking about the sudden attack. Meanwhile, Megumi was at the edge of the forest frantically looking around for Chikako. The female sighed.

The group immediately focused all their attention on her as she threw the two unconscious men at the feet of their three companions. Naruto ran over to Chikako, his actions being mimicked by Megumi. They jumped on her for a hug.

"Are you alright? Those guys were tough" Naruto questioned. Chikako nodded as Kakashi finished adding her two to the pile.

Kakashi decided to stay quiet. He thought he felt the energy of a large  attack coming from the forest. It's not possible though, he reasoned to himself. Thinking back to the test, Kakashi knew Chikako was skilled, but there was no way she could just walk away perfectly fine if one of those rouges used a jutsu that powerful. Kakashi grabbed onto the rope he used to tie the five men together and dragged them behind him as they made their way to the land of hot water.

"Chikako the hot springs here are amazing. I use the one in the temple to cleanse by body before every prayer and what-not that I preform, and the ones here are beyond the best!" Chikako nodded along with Megumi's prattling. It was nothing new from the first time they encountered the other.

Once the men she scared away were gone, Megumi pretty much hopped on Chikako. The rest of the time she spent in that village Megumi was beside her, much to her displeasure. Chikako learned very quickly that she never stops talking and can find anyone she's looking for to an ungodly level. 

The village was now in sight. Megumi's energy seemed to multiply tenfold. Chikako could sense that even Sasuke was a bit excited to put his feet up. Lady Hokage did mention that they could stay until after  the ceremony Megumi is going to do. That meant they had a full day and a half to do as they pleased. It was Tsunade' s way of trying to get Chikako to spend some time with Kakashi.

They quickly found an inn. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke bought the room and signed in as Chikako and Kakashi finished escorting Megumi to the temple.

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