Kakashi's sister

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As the days passed Chikako buried  herself in studying. After the first snowfall Chikako refused to leave her room all together. Food and books were brought to her by Shizune, who was happy to help. She was the only other person besides Tsunade who the girl made direct contact with. 

Team seven went on missions without Chikako as the days passed. They didn't realize how much her presence changed things. It seems boring without her. She barely spoke, but the day she became part of team seven she was accepted as their friend and comrade. Sakura and Naruto tried to visit her time after time, but she refused to open the door. Only letting them hear her voice.

Jiraiya was tired of Naruto's  whining so he explained why she won't come outside her room. He had gone through something very similar when they were training together a few years back. The only difference was, they didn't have a hotel room. Instead, Chikako found a cave and settled herself there. It was awhile before Jiraiya realized she would only move from her place to go to the bathroom and the most she would say were small sentences. He was tempted to leave her, but he was also very curious about the girl he had been training, so he decided to just stay with her as the winter passed; Bringing her food and water and helping take care of her all around. During this time if she wasn't reading, she was meditating. It took some convincing, but the old sage managed to get an explanation from her. 

"She does this every time it snows. She will stay in her room until all the snow is gone. It's best if you don't disturb her." Jiraiya stated. Naruto of course had questions about Chikako and how the pervy sage knew about her staying in her room, but he changed the subject to fast and Naruto forgot all about it.

It was the winter season, but the snow was not covering on the ground today. Two mysterious visitors approached the gate. Chikako could feel a familiar chakra and decided to step out of her room. It has been a few weeks.

Chikako put her usual cloak and veil on and stepped out of her room. She was greeted with many surprised faces, but she refused to speak, only nodding in response.  Ignoring the few calls for her, she made her way towards the village gates. When she was close enough to the chakra she leapt into the woods and followed the trail until she found the two men.

"Master. It's a pleasure to see you again." Chikako greeted while bowing her head slightly. She slipped off her veil to show respect to her master and clenched it to her chest as she continued bowing. One of the men jumped back a little confused while the other nodded.

"It has been awhile since you left the Akatsuki base. I assume you kept your part if the deal?" The man asked. Chikako nodded.

"I haven't said a word to anyone, nor do I plan to" Chikako raised her head and looked into the mans eyes. The cold weather sent a biting chill gust  towards the two men letting the wind take their hats.

"Itachi and Kisame." The two members of the Akatsuki stood before their former student. It took a lot of convincing for Chikako to study under the individual Akatsuki members.

She encountered Orochimaru during her travels, and challenged him. If the ex-sanin won, he could use her for the reanimation jutsu and if Chikako won she would be granted permission to study under the Akatsuki members.  That was the deal they made. In the end Chikako, at the ripe age of 7, beat Orochimaru. However he didn't keep his side of the deal and ran, so she found the Akatsuki base by herself. She had to fight a few people to prove her worth to the criminals, but in the end she was granted permission to study under the Akatsuki. In her younger years Chikako's chakra was overwhelming and uncontrolled. The members of the organization taught her to control it to a degree. During those two years she learned a majority of her jutsus and was able from the diverse types of shinobi, but as she got older her power began to run rampant. Chikako left when she started to feel the tension from the other members. They each wanted her for themselves, but she refused to chose. 

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