Kakashi's sister

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"She's lying! She has a sharingan. She'll kill us all!" Sasuke yelled. The entirety of team seven sent glares her way. They made her internally shrink back. Kakashi's was the worse thought. His red eyes glaring, his sharingan activated as if she would attack them at any second. They were scared of her.

"It's okay sweetie" a soft voice called. Chikako turned around to see her mother standing on their family homes porch with her arms wide open. Chikako ran to her Mom, getting younger and younger as she did. Her short arms wrapped around her Mom's legs. The little girl's whole body relaxed tension she didn't realize she was holding. 

"Why?" Her mother asked in a choked voice. Chikako's mother sniffled and a tear landed in her silver hair, dampening it. Her mothers grip tightened on her to the point Chikako couldn't breath. Once gain she felt like the helpless little girl as her beloved Mom crumbled into a pile of blood and cloth. 

No. Not again!

"You could've saved me! You are a monster" her mother yelled  in a deranged voice and scratched Chikako's eyes with her nails. She let out a bloodcurdling scream as her hands found their way to her bloody eye sockets. 

Chikako jumped up from her futon into a sitting position. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. When she sees snow she always has nightmares. It was something she was used to by now after years of nonstop night terrors. In the winter, though, they always felt more real. 

After gathering herself, she sat on a pillow and meditated. She pushed her dream out of her head and focused on her chakra. She could feel it strongly pulsing through her body and swirling around her body. The chakra was so thick it took physical form. It flowed like a wave as it twisted around her body.

Chikako spent most of the day meditation, but found herself looking out of her window when she realized it was abnormally loud outside. It seemed like they were setting up some kind of celebration. Chikako watched the people all day.

A small knock snapped her out of her daze.

"Hi Chikako! I heard you were with Kakashi-sensei yesterday. Since you won't leave your room we decided to come to you. Can you please let us in?" Sakura called out polietly. Chikako hesitated, but gave in to her request in the end. She opened the door to be greeted by team seven, Shikamaru, the eating boy, a boy with a dog, and a shy girl with purple hair and another that was blonde. They all filed in one by one. As they entered her room, Chikako moved some scrolls and books to make room for her visitors. She then made some tea for everyone.

"The winter celebration is tomorrow. We'll be with our families. We know you came here alone, so we decided to have a small party with you!" Sakura explained. Chikako nodded, but said nothing. She had never been to a party. During holidays when she was little, it was only her and her Mom. After she left, she was too busy surviving to celebrate much of anything. 

"Oh you haven't met these five. This is Hinita, that's Kiba and Akamaru, that's Choji, Ino, and Shikamaru!" Chikako  nodded and pointed to Shikamaru.

"I've met Shika before" Chikako said. Sakura was surprised, but Shikamaru just shook it off. Not caring about Sakura's reaction or being called Shika.

Everyone put down what they were carrying and settled around the table. Naruto and some others revealed some food and drinks they brought for the party and everyone cheered besides Chikako and Shika who simply stared. Chikako saw some chocolate tarts. Stars seemed to shine in her eyes and she snatched them all up and started to nibble on them.

"I guess Chikako really likes sweets" Naruto laughed. Below her veil, a faint blush made its way to Chikako's face. Sweets were her weakness. She could kill all the legendary sages and every single member of the fearsome Akatsuki, yet she couldn't resist sweets.

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