New Relationships

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Chikako stared at her brother with the blankest expression she could muster, not that he could see.

"Chunin exams?" She repeated as a question. She didn't think they had time for this. Sasuke and Naruto's fights kept getting worse and worse. She had been recently filled in on Sasuke getting a curse mark from Orochimaru, that bastard snake. His temper was worsening, and he was always in pain. Anyone who cared could see it.

"Yes. You will be alone, however. These three are going to stay with me. Normally you would be put in a group of three, but the Hokage bended the rules for you." Kakashi explained handing her a small card. She took it and shook her head. This was pointless.

Ra-Kun told her that was what him and his team were there for. She noticed people from different villages that she had not seen before walking around.

Shika just so happened to walk up to the pair right at that moment.

"Chunin exams? Such a drag" he drowned. Chikako's eyes dropped to his green chunin vest.

"If the exam is a drag, how come you are a chunin?" Chikako asked. Shika pinched the bridge of his nose as if it were bothersome to just remember. He smirked a bit.

"Yeah, yeah" Shika answered. He explained how they took the chunin exams a few months before I arrived. When Orochimaru attacked the first time he killed the 3rd Hokage. The second time no one besides her was hurt apparently. Shika said he just came from the Hokage's office just before he ran into us.

"I see. So, the great sage Orochimaru is causing trouble" Chikako responded. The group responded with a dire nod. Chikako cringed in anger from under her veil. The next time he shows up I will kill that lying snake.

"Wanna watch clouds with me as a congratulations present?" Shikamaru asked. Chikako shrugged and linked her arm with his. They were all surprised at how forward she was being, but for Chikako, she was trying to open up a little more. This was just her way of doing it.

The two walked away from Kakashi and spent the rest of the day watching clouds. It started getting dark before either of them moved. Chikako stood up and offered her hand to the male. He took it and stood up with the help of Chikako.

"Shika lets get dinner and go home" Shikamaru felt a small pang in his chest. He felt disappointed that their time together was ending so soon. Instead of voicing his disappointment, Shika agreed with a sigh and followed Chikako to where they were going to get dinner. The two of them ate barbecue and then split ways.

"Goodnight Chikako" Shikamaru waved goodbye to her as he began to walk in the other direction.

"You to Shika" As Chikako walked back to the tower thoughts swirled in Chikako's head.

Seeing Gaara again, Shika becoming a Chunin, Sasuke's situation. That last thought stopped Chikako in her tracks.

Sasuke... He has been getting very power hungry lately. It seemed obvious to Chikako. She wondered if it was about the curse mark on his neck. She could reverse the effects, but that means explaining to everyone how she learned that skill, which meant telling everyone about the Akatsuki and she could not do that. She promised Itachi. At the same time if it meant helping Sasuke she didn't think he would mind. He has hidden power within him. He just needs to realize he will not find it through hate.

Chikako sighed. She was not one to talk. The only reason she didn't resent Itachi was because she was too busy thinking about the man that killed her mother and trying to find her brother. If she didn't have someone to look for, she would have been consumed by hate all the same. Maybe that's why she understood how he was feeling and that it will not turn out well. When Sasuke finds out what Chikako knows, he is going to hate himself.

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