Kakashi's sister

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It was the next morning and Sasuke still couldn't shake off the feeling he got last night when he heard Chikako's song. He felt such a strong urge to comfort her and serve her. He couldn't figure it out. It bothered him to no end.

Sasuke was drinking tea with Kakashi while they waited for Naruto to wake up. Someone was knocking on their door with vigor. With a sigh, Sasuke got up to answer it. Behind the door was a very disappointed looking Sakura.

"I never got the chance to see her face." She sighed. He walked back to his tea with Sakura in tow. Naruto jumped up at the sound of Sakura's voice. It didn't take him long to dress and join the rest of team seven for some tea.

"So did you see? Did you see?" Naruto shouted enthusiastically. Sakura shook her head. Naruto slouched in disappointment and turned into gloomy goo. Sasuke made his usual noise and continued to drink his tea. Kakashi sighed in unison with Sakura.

"What were you trying to see exactly? Well, besides my face of course." Naruto and Sasuke tensed and scooted away from their sensei.

"We wanted to see Chikako's face" Naruto admitted.

"You very well could have just asked" Chikako said, suddenly appearing next to Kakashi. With a cup of tea in her hand. Naruto jumped up spilling his tea as she calmly sipped her own. Sakura was able to keep her tea safe, but screamed and fell back at the sudden appearance of Chikako.

"Really? Can we see? Please!" Naruto got back up and leaned into the female face. Chikako lifted her hands to her veil, but quickly moved them back and removed her hood. Her blonde-silver hair now visible. Naruto whined as Chikako pulled her hood back up.

"I just noticed. It's almost the same color as Kakashi-sensei's hair" Sakura said absentmindedly. She seemed to pique the interest of everyone besides Chikako, who sipped her tea.

Team seven eyes widened. It was the first time they have even come close to seeing under the cloak. Chikako's gloves hands and red sleeves peaked out of the cloak as she drank tea. She looked up and looked around.

"What?" She asked stupidly. Gosh. I'm starting to sound like Naruto. She scolded herself.

"That's a really pretty red color. What's it called?" Sakura asked.

"Crimson." Chikako answered before taking another sip of her tea. She found her cup empty and refilled it herself.

The group spent their time packing up. Well, everyone besides Chikako. She didn't really touch her bag at all. In the middle of her nice stroll she heard a loud screech and something tackled her.

"Mistress Megumi! You are a priestess! You cannot simply go around and jumping on civilians!" A man in a priest uniform scolded. Megumi pouted and latched onto Chikako's arm.

"She's my bestie! I will never let her go" Megumi said squeezing her arm even more. It seemed as though she won't let go anytime soon.

"If it's not to much trouble may I accompany you to the temple and read some of your documents?" Chikako asked. The mans face seemed to light up in relief as he nodded.

"If it means mistress Megumi will at least will return to the temple, I would gladly grant you such a wish" with that being said the trio headed to the shrine.

The next few hours were spent reading and Chikako being forced to learn the priestess dance. Megumi didn't want to do it and the man begged Chikako to help.

Chikako's mind wandered as she took a well deserved rest. She wondered what the others were doing. Naruto is probably running around the festival trying to beat every game. While Sakura begs Sasuke to try. Chikako could easily picture Naruto making Sasuke angry and them having a full out competition. She chucked at the thought.

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